3 Miniature Kickstarters Worthy of Support

It has been a while since I wrote a post of this kind. To an extend, I suffered some Kickstarter / Crowd-funding burn-out, even though I immensely enjoy the crowd-funding loot I did (so far) receive, including the Massive Voodoo Figure Art book and, of course, DreadBall.

Yet there are several interesting Kickstarter-campaigns running at the moment; campaigns that (in my opinion) stand out and clearly deserve a closer look.

#1 – Elmore Dragon Diorama by Dark Sword Miniatures

Dark Sword Miniatures Larry Elmore Diorama Kickstarter

Dark Sword Miniatures is a company with over a decade of experience making fantastic-looking, high-quality miniatures. They started with, and specialize in miniatures for fantasy roleplaying and popular fantasy-settings, such Games of Thrones more recently.

The first Dark Sword Kickstarter is looking for funds for a one thing and one thing only: A massive Dragon diorama inspired by a classic piece of Larry Elmore art.

There is only one pledge.. for this Dragon diorama, which stands over 12 inches tall!

With shipping, you’re looking at around USD 300,-. Clearly, this may not be for everyone, but the Dark Swords Kickstarter is bold, laser-focussed without any unnecessary stuffing, and comes with the credibility of a company that’s been in this business for a long time!

If you enjoy painting large (!) dioramas, this is definitely worth a look.

The Dark Sword Miniatures Kickstarter ends Saturday July 20, 4:30am BST.

#2 – Eden Board Game by Taban Miniatures

Taban Miniatures Escape Board Game

Taban Miniatures is a French miniature games company. They translated their post-apocalyptic skirmish game Eden into English with a successful Indiegogo campaign last year. Now, as Kickstarter.com is allowing more and more non-Americans to join up, Taban launched a Kickstarter-campaign for Escape, a “post-apocalyptic survival-horror board game“.

I can’t really comment on the game-play, but the (35mm metal) miniatures look fantastic. A board-game, by any measure, is a great way to dip into Taban’s fantastic range of miniatures without necessarily starting an entire new skirmish game (though the miniatures can be used for both!).

Taban Games’ Eden Board Game Kickstarter ends Monday Jul 1, 2:59pm BST

#3 – WarGods of Olympus by Crocodile Games

WarGods of Olympus Kickstarter

Crocodile Games’ WarGods of Olympus Kickstarter also shines with a fantastic range of miniatures, all inspired by ancient / mythological times around the Mediterranean, pre-dating the rise of the Roman Empire.

Their sculpt of the Greek god Ares caught my eye early on, but  their other sculpts look equally impressive and the game sounds fun (as far as I can tell from the bits shown so far).

Like Dark Sword Miniatures, Crocodile Games has been around for a while, which (I believe) makes it a safe pair of hands for delivering what they promise in their Kickstarter-campaign.

Crocodile Games’ WarGods of Olympus Kickstarter ends Sunday Jun 30, 10:05pm BST

#4 – Thoughts?

The big frenzy around Kickstarter we saw in 2012 appears to have died down a bit. Despite this (or because of it?), a good number of quality projects are more successful than ever in getting a solid injection of money from Kickstarter-backers.

What do you think of these games and of miniature gaming Kickstarters in the Summer of 2013.

I am looking forward to read your comments!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


#ff @YoZeik @SaphyronCQ @RockwarsGT @darrenbogus @projectarmylist @DaveTheWargamer @breacher18 @ibuywargames @Hobbywobbles @pkhb_tabletop !! - 8 hours ago
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  • Ruska

    The Dragon Diorama looks great and would be a great piece to put on display, but $275 is more than I’m willing to pay. I’ve had my eye on the WarGods of Olympus, probably going to go in for some of the god minis. Somehow I didn’t see the Eden Kickstarter, I may end up getting that. The models are interesting and the price is right.

    Another project I’m backing that I’m excited about is Psionic Miniatures ( http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/197021008/psionic-miniatures )