Games Workshop Surprise Release: Crusade of Fire Campaign Book for Warhammer 40K

Warhammer 40K Crusade of FireGames Workshop just put up a new book for advance order. Crusade of Fire is a Campaign Book for Warhammer 40K that will go with the recent Chaos Space Marines Codex. Now this one certainly came totally out of nowhere. Either way, Chaosy campaign options sound good. Seems like Games Workshop is taking their pledge to support narrative gaming seriously.

The Crusade of Fire Campaign Book

Obviously, not even the most savvy rumour-monger saw this one coming. Information is truly limited to what is on the website.

Crusade of Fire is a campaign system for Warhammer 40,000 that enables you to join the campaign to control the Corvus Sub-sector. Whether you choose to join the Crusade of Fire itself, the foul Servants of Ruin or the bloodthirsty Prophets of War, the fate of the sub-sector lies in your hands.

This 96-page, full-colour hardcover book features exclusive artwork and a host of dynamic new rules. As well as the campaign system itself, the book contains rules that can be used in any Warhammer 40,000 game, from massive multi-player scenarios fought in low-gravity environments or in bunkers deep below the ground, to expanded rules for Flyers. It also features rules for playing games in the gladiatorial arenas of Commorragh as well as for fighting battles on the surface of a Daemon World.

Crusade of Fire also features the story of nine hobbyists as they play through the campaign, including detailed battle reports, fantastic army showcases and turn-by-turn accounts of their conquest.

 Crusade of Fire Sample Pages

Crusade of Fire Picture 2Warhammer 40K Crusade of Fire Page 1
Crusade of Fire Picture 3
There you have it. Crusade of Fire will cost GBP 25,-. It’ll probably also be the ultimate test for the viability of Games Workshop’s “no hype, no previews” model of selling products to its fans. Needless to say that it is also limited edition (what else?).

Are you interested in picking up this Warhammer 40K campaign book? Is that a welcome little addition before Christmas? Will you jump at yet another limited edition surprise?

I would sure love to hear your opinion on this latest stunt from Games Workshop.


Update: Crusade of Fire – Part 1 of my Review: The Campaign. Enjoy!
Advertisement: If you’re looking to add new Chaos Space Marines miniatures to your collection, Wayland Games offers up to 20% discount on the new miniatures!

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About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • Rocco Davis

    It’s the same trick they pulled with Blood in the Badlands last year. Yeah, it’s likely to be a nice book but I’ll be mighty annoyed if I cannot order it because the limited stunt results in it being sold out before the next payday for myself….

    • Zweischneid

      I suppose. I didn’t pay much attention to Blood in the Badlands (I guess I should have).

      Actually, I hope Blood in the Badlands isn’t a precedent as it seems to have been a one off by and large.

      I would love to see more of these kind of books for Warhammer 40K… Tau, Eldar.. ;)

      • Rocco

        Well, Blood in the Badlands was the same sort of thing – a Fantasy ‘campaign book’, Limited and in the same price bracket. The book is actually quite a decent bit of alternate rules and scenarios, useful for people who want to run campaigns in the like. The ‘Limited’ bit is what disgusts me about this. Why should it be limited? Surely this is the sort of thing that would sell rather well as a supplement next to the main rules along the lines of Planetstrike, Cities of Death etc.

        Here’s hoping I can either get one in two weeks time when I get paid or someone is willing to buy one in advance for me and let me pay them back – My FLGS is 20% off so a £20 book isn’t a bad thing and won’t hurt as much though definately looking at getting a few loans over the next few months to save Christmas, bills and my pocket….