Rumours: Is GW Planning A 40K Skirmish Game?


Here is an interesting little rumour floating in via Blood of Kittens: Allegedly, Games Workshop may be working on a skirmish “gateway” game for Warhammer 40K themed around the Inquisition!

I know Mel Brooks jokes are getting old (and you’ll certainly be sick of them by the end of this year if this rumour holds out), but nobody expected that, no?

I’d take a “small” game in Warhammer 40K played 5-10 models each (and up to 4 players)!

Yessss! Please be true!

Probably too good to be true though…

The Blood of Kittens Rumour

Everyone and their mother claims it will be Bloodbowl 2013, sadly I have news for you it ain’t coming. Besides Games Workshop licenses Bloodbowl out to any 3rd-party developer who can write a check; Blood Bowl was just one of those rumors that makes sense to a fan-boi, but not (remember Dreadfleet) Games Workshop. Speaking of misfires Games Workshop cannot afford to take random risks. Now, GW has consolidated (killing off specialists games) there IPs, they are turning to making new products.

With a lust for a Space Hulk type gravy train GW will return to what makes them the most money: the Warhammer 40k universe.

So, what is up GW’s sleeve?

GW is about to enter the skirmish scene with the release of

Warhammer 40k: Inquisition

Inquisition is designed for 2-4 players and each side will use custom cards and dice. Army sizes consist of about 5-10 models per side. A whole new set of models drawn from Blanche artwork will accompany. The game should be flexible as you can make and design your own Inquisitorial retinue. As for rules complexity that is anyone’s guess, but the general marketing goal for Inquisition is a gateway game into the greater Warhammer 40k universe.

Beyond that GW, seems to be taking cues from Kickstarter projects like Sedition Wars and home-brewed rules like Inq28 for Inquisitor. This also might not end up as a limited edition run, but that all depends on sales, and if any support is continued will be done through digital expansions and updates.


To be fair, I think this rumour smells fishy as hell.


Because “the source” not only leaked some bits of information, but some magical insights into the why and how GW’s product team is coming up with this… looking at Kickstarter projects? May be unlimited? Have these guys been sitting in on the GW meetings?

Maybe I’ll have to eat my words come October, but I am not buying it at this point in time.

On the other hand, I’d gladly my words if it’s true though, and not wish-listing. It is – literally – too good to be true!

What do you think?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • BrassScorpion

    Given the fact that GW has done nothing but strip down to its core products the past couple years this does seem a bit far-fetched. Another side product that would likely go unsupported and abandoned after a couple years doesn’t fit well with their current strategy. It’s plausible, but doesn’t seem very likely. Then again, GW does surprise us sometimes, don’t they?

    I also think you’re grammar and spelling is way better than that of the guy on Blood Of Kittens.

    Also, History Of The World by Mel Brooks had plenty of Inquisition jokes, but the “nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition” joke so popular among us geeks comes from the Monty Python TV show and pre-dates Mel Brooks’ movie by more than a decade. Coincidentally it also happens to be the first Monty Python sketch I ever saw.

    Pins Of War has quickly become one of my favorite gaming news sites. Keep it up please!

    • damaddok

      I think the big part is the “gateway game” part. It would be interesting to see if this ended up in toy stores or even major big box stores; kinda like what Heroscape attempted. Games Workshop doesn’t really have that anymore (at least outside the video game realm), and it would cross into multiple product lines (assuming they’re 28mm, you could use the miniatures for both standard 40k and Dark Heresy). Plus they don’t have to support it; I presume it’ll be a single boxed game, with similar-but-different rules to 40k, that’s just quietly put on store shelves.

    • Zweischneid

      Thanks for the praise.

      One never stops learning I guess. Got to chase down some Monty Python again I suppose ;)


  • belverker

    oh dear god i hope this is true…though i would much prefer a killteam expansion like apocalypse…
    But any game based around the inquisition with models based off of blanche’s art…well it doesn’t get much more 40k then that…

  • Jeff Martin

    Oh please please please be true

  • Universal Head

    Please tell me you don’t think the Inquisition gag is by Mel Brooks …!

    • Zweischneid

      I have seen neither the Mel Brooks version, nor the Monty Python version. Seems like everyone using the meme quotes Mel Brooks, so I assumed (wrongly, it appears)

  • Universal Head

    Whoops, I see that’s already been pointed out. My chief weapon is incompetence … incompetence and an inability to read all the comments … my *two chief weapons* …

  • Universal Head

    PS I’m not a GW gamer anymore, but great work on the site.

  • dynath

    Warhammer 40k has drifted towards larger and larger games so it would make sense to slip a smaller scale game into the mix again. But at the same time, considering the original inquisitor was poorly received, Games Workshop has never seemed to take cues from the internet let alone the success of kickstarter projects, and they seem to have cut a lot of the inquisition stuff down in past codex’s… I doubt this will happen.

    I kinda hope they do though. I have a million models but it would be nice to play a game in under an hour. I could see it as a bridge between 40k in general and the table top RPGs by Fantasy Flight, another market to tap. But if they were going to do this they wouldn’t have killed their collectors range. Or their specialist range. I imagine in October we will get another one off collectors board game that loyalists and collectors purchase and sit on shelves forever.

  • Shocktantra

    If they do intend to release this game i for one think it’ll be Inquisitor V2.0 light , basically it’ll be just like Inquisitor just easier rule’s since we tried that game once (with proxy’s tbh) and one game took AGES.

  • Marky

    If its a “new” Necromunda I will take 2 please… I gave up 40k when everything got too big to fit on the table. Apocalypse is everything I cant be bothered with in 40k :) (that’s coming from someone with only dark angels, chaos & dark elder armies left after a 40k sell up).
    I would happily collect a small force of every “army” in 40k if there was a skirmish game.

  • Briny Wits

    In the meanwhile, try out the Gangs of Nu Ork.
    Why? Because you can play a gang of mixed 40k races and one of the professions your guys can take is a Hipster (overpays all weapons/equipment).

    Check it out, the Chap really pored his soul into it.

    • Zweischneid

      Thanks. I’ll have a look!