I haven’t really done a heads-up post of this kind in a while. I did try to share fun giveaways and competition on my Facebook page and my Twitter account as they came up (and I usually enter them). Unfortunately, my Facebook page still appears to be bugged. I cannot see my news-stream and, as a consequence, cannot really share stuff from other sites or people unless I discover them by a non-Facebook way (which kinda defeats the purpose). I hope Facebook gets it fixed soon.
Anyhow, here’s three great, fun competitions that you should definitely consider entering!
#1 – Arena Rex pre-Kickstarter Aquila Giveaway

Arena Rex Aquila Giveaway!
This one is going to be big. I can feel it. March 15th (+/- a day or so), Arena Rex is going to kickstart their Gladiator combat skirmish game, along with a set of 35mm resin miniatures. You can read all about it on their site, including art-works, rules-previews, and more.
Most importantly, you can enter their Aquila Giveaway for a chance to get the iconic Aquila Miniature (see above) ahead of even the Kickstarter-loot. All you need to do is juice up their social network on Facebook, Twitter, or join their Newsletter.
#2 – Mantic’s Loka Hippo Knight Naming Competition

Mantic River Horse Naming Competition
Mantic Games Kickstarters tend to come with a naming competition. I am not sure if they had one for Kings of War. I am sure they did have one for DreadBall, mainly because I won it (I know, I brag about it too much). Anyhow, with Alessio Cavatore’s Loka up on Kickstarter, they are asking you the gamer-community to name the Kickstarter-exclusive
Hippo River Horse Knight.
Head over to Mantic’s blog and give them idea for a name for a chance to win the model for free!
#3 – Hitting on 3s’ Warhammer 40K Flyer Competition
If you’re less into new games, and looking for a traditional Warhammer 40K giveaway, listen in to the latest podcast from Hitting on 3s (which includes some strong language). They invite you to head over to their forums for a chance to win a Games Workshop (not Forge World) flyer-kit of your choice. You’ll get the exact details (which are quite fun) from their podcast.
Good luck everyone.
If you know of any other cool opportunities to win some free wargaming stuff, let me know in the comments below!