4 Indiegogo Campaigns You Could Back Today

Indigogo Miniature Crowd-FundingIndiegogo is an alternative crowd-funding site to Kickstarter. Though Kickstarter is limited to the US (though coming to the UK soon) and more restrictive what they allow on their site, it gets a lot more press and traffic. Last month’s 4 Miniature Kickstarters You Could Back Today was biased because I couldn’t find cool Indiegogo projects. Things changed. Here are 4 Indiegogo-Projects that deserve your attention (and possibly your backing).

Let’s Get Started!

1. Wolsung Steampunk Skirmish Game by Micro Art Studio

Wolsung Steampunk Miniatures Skirmish Game

With games like Dystopian Legions or Forge World’s steampunkish re-interpretation of the Space Marine Jetbike,  Steampunk is clearly the flavour of the season. Micro Art Studio – a terrain-maker from Poland – is entering the ring with their Wolsung “Steam Pulp Fantasy” Game. They are working both on a roleplaying game and a miniatures skirmish game. The latter is clearly the focus of the Indiegogo fundraiser, with lots of cool miniatures and ‘starter-sets’ for the various factions available for supporters.

Wolsung SSG is set in the world which is similar to our world in the turn of nineteenth and twentieth century but filled with magic, steam-powered machines and fantastic creatures such as Elves and Dwarves. The game focuses on the city of Lyonesse – the Pearl amongst cities – and adventures of its residents – Extraordinary Ladies and Gentlemen. In the game, players control clubs made of a few such characterful personalities and their servants, to fight for fame and fortune.

Wolsung Abinav SinghA particularly cool feature, the cool miniatures aside, is a point-system in this campaign that allows backers to pick precisely the models and miniatures they want to have. Many past crowd-funding campaigns have struggled a bit with the wishes of fans to pick, choose or swap miniatures to create their own bespoke package. In absence of a shopping-basket, this strikes me as a rather elegant solution to the issue.

No need to buy into anything you don’t wont. Cherry-pick your favourites from a great range of fun miniatures? Awesome little campaign there!

The Wolsung Indiegogo Campaign will end October 25, 11:59 pm PT.

2. Rune Miniatures Fantasy Skirmish Game

Rune Miniatures Indiegogo Campaign

Ok. I might be going somewhat out on a limp with this one: the Rune Miniatures Fantasy Skirmish Game Indiegogo Campaign. From the four Indiegogo Campaigns in this post, this one is surely the “least developed” one. Started by Tristan Abdini from Australia (!), this is a campaign asking for start-up funding to get the very idea off the ground.

That said, I think the idea is a neat one. Rune aspires to be a 28mm scale Fantasy Skirmish Game that’ll allow players to mix-and-match their miniatures and “races” within their faction. The Rune Fantasy Game clearly wants to break with the worn standard of “race-based” factions in miniature wargaming. That can only be a good thing.

Unlike some fantasy games, Rune’s individual factions are made up of warriors from different fantasy races. For example your warband may comprise of a Human, an Elf, a Halfling, an Orc, an Ogre and a Goblin. Each having different skills and abilities.

The concept art is a bit basic, the green above is the only one shown and the miniatures quite pricey, even before steep shipping to get everything to the northern half of the globe. So I’ll likely pass on the miniatures for now.

I’d genuinely love to see pledge-options for pdf-rules for this. Not only would – depending on where this goes rules-wise – people a chance to see some “generic rules” that could go well with whatever models you may already have. Fanticide promised similar “build-your-own-troupe” rules. Steep shipping for a book I may not use kept me away there too.

The Rune Fantasy Game Indiegogo Campaign will end November 20, 11:59 pm PT.

3. Morgraur-Rashaar & Carnevale Miniatures Games

Carnivale Morgraur

Cthulhu meets Venice. Award-winning free rules. Breath-taking miniatures. Welcome to the Carnevale Indiegogo Campaign from Vesper-On Games! Really, this is probably the Indiegogo Campaign that fired me up again for Indiegogo and the great stuff coming out of European miniature companies such as Spain’s Vesper-On Games. For a start, it’s worth taking a look just for their rules, which will cost you nothing!

Also our game was nominated as Best miniature rules of the year in the Origins Awards 2012. You can download the rules for free at www.vesper-on.com

White Dove Carnevale Indiegogo MiniatureThat said, the miniatures that go with these rules are truly stellar, giving you both Venetian Carnival, Cthulhu Deep Ones and some other era-staples (I believe I saw a Frankenstein’s Monster in there).

The true highlight, of course, is the massive, massive Morgraur-Rashaar (picture above). It comes with its own US$ 85,- pledge level just for this beast, which includes all stretch goals and free worldwide shipping!

Did I mention the Morgraur-Rashaar is massive! Have a look at the scale comparison at my Morgraur-Rashaar Pin on PinsofWar.net or on the site of Morgraur-Rashaar Indiegogo Campaign itself.

The Morgraur-Rashaar Indiegogo Campaign will end October 30, 11:59 pm PT.

4. Freebooter’s Fate Legends Miniatures Set

Freebooter's Fate Indiegogo Campaign

Last, but most certainly not least, Freebooter’s Fate Miniatures Set. This Indiegogo Campaign is build around a set of limited edition anniversary miniatures to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Freebooter Miniatures. And beautiful miniatures they are!

Freebooter Miniatures is a German company producing mostly 30mm size metal miniatures for gamers, collectors and painters. The company is owned and run by Werner Klocke who has been a freelance sculptor for 30 years. His credits include sculpts for such well-known companies as Games Workshop, Reaper and Pivateer Press, among others. [...] Two years ago, Freebooter Miniatures successfully launched its own game, Freebooter’s Fate, a card-based, pirate-themed, diceless, tabletop skirmish game, which has had people going “Arrr!” all over the world since then and has already had two expansion sets published…

Freebooter's FateI haven’t checked the sculpting credits of Mr. Klocke (nor do I think I need too, seeing all those stunning greens). A bespoke miniature line by a veteran sculptor offering his own line? Great stuff. And unlike his US counterparts from Bombshell Babes or Effigy Miniatures, you get a fully developed game to go with it if you want.

Like other sculptor’s custom lines, Freebooter’s Fate limited edition characters don’t come cheap. The default “get-all-stretch-goals” Captain’s pledge of US$ 100,- starts with just six miniatures, thought it this Indiegogo is likely to add a few stretch-goals to it as it moves along. It also includes free worldwide shipping, which is obviously a factor.

The Freebooter’s Fate Indiegogo Campaign will end November 11, 11:59 pm PT.

Did one (or more) of those campaigns entice you? Are you already backing one of these campaigns? Do you have experience with one of the companies/people behind these Indiegogo campaigns?

Leave a comment and share your opinions!


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.