Most people online have seen the leaked pictures of the new Warhammer 40K Chaos miniatures over the last few days. Now they the new Chaos Space Marines have been released. Games Workshop also released – as is becoming the norm – a video to showcase the release. This one is a good video though. It shows off the new miniatures nicely. Have a look!
The Chaos Space Marines Release Video
The latest video from Games Workshop – showcasing the new Chaos Space Marines.
The general reception for this new Chaos Space Marines miniatures for Warhammer 40K seems to be mixed. At least that is the vibe I am picking up on forums and on some of the comments on my own blog-posts about these new miniatures.
Some of the new miniatures are somewhat underwhelming. I always disliked the Obliterators. Something I hoped for would have been plastic Obliterators with an entirely new aesthetic (and they could’ve added bits for a Mutilators-dual-purpose box).
Alas, this was not meant to happen…

A face only a mother could love…
Nevertheless, I do enjoy the warp-beast direction they are going, just as I’ve enjoyed their focus on the unknown renegade chapter of the Crimson Slaughter in the Dark Vengeance novel.
I think it is a great move by Games Workshop to cater to the “I want to play the Traitor Legions” crowd through Forge World’s new Horus Heresy line and to plunge into a Chaos line somewhat unfettered from the Traitor-Legion background-baggage with these.
It is a near-perfect solution to cater to both “camps” of fans occupying the Chaos Space Marines line with vastly different expectations.
But that may just be me. If you feel differently, please share your thoughts below!