40K Rules Conundrum: Interceptor & Overwatch in the same turn?

Tau Empire XV88 Broadside

Tau Empire Broadsides painted by Blue Table Painting

A little rules conundrum I came across in Warhammer 40K, which I thought I’d share (not least to get some opinions).

Can a unit in Warhammer 40K with the Interceptor special rule fire its weapon twice during the opponent’s turn, once using Interceptor and once using the Overwatch rule?

#1 – A Day in Warhammer 40K

Alright. Two players (armies) face off against the board. Player Red (Tau) and Player Blue (Space Marines).

Player Red has a few units with the Interceptor special rule (Tau Broadsides, for example).

Player Blue, on his turn, brings in some units (say, a Flyer or Drop Pod) from reserve (tempting Player Red to use his Interceptor firepower). In the same turn, Player Blue charges said Interceptor (e.g. Broadsides) with a different unit (say, Assault Marines), perhaps even because Player Blue thought his assault units were now safe from the Broadside’s Overwatch.

Would Player Red be able to have said Broadside fire on Overwatch during the Player Blue’s Assault Phase, despite having fired as Interceptor during the Player Blue’s Movement Phase?

#2 – Relevant Rules

  • The “Pro-”Argument

The argument I saw, to allow Player Red to fire twice in Player Blue’s turn, pivots on the argument that the Interceptor forbids a units ability to shoot in the “next” (player) turn, but doesn’t actually forbid it to fire again in the same turn.

At the end of the enemy Movement phase, a weapon with the Interceptor special rule can be fired at any one unit that has arrived from reserve within its range and line of sight. If this rule is used, the weapon cannot be fired in the next turn, but the firing model can shoot a different weapon if it has one.

- Small Warhammer 40K Rulebook p. 38

I suppose there is also an argument to be had about whether, to use the example of a Broadside again, it could use its secondary weapons for Overwatch in the same turn.

  • The “Contra-” Argument

The argument against allowing both Interceptor and Overwatch in the same player’s turn follows from the basic shooting rules, which ask players to pick a unit that hasn’t actually fired in this particular turn.

An Overwatch attack is resolved like a normal shooting attack (albeit one resolved in the enemy’s Assault phase) and uses all the normal rules for range, line of sight, cover saves and so on. …

- Small Warhammer 40K Rulebook p. 21

The Shooting Rules on p. 12 state the following in the little grey box explaining the sequence.

The Shooting Sequence:

1. Nominate Unit to Shoot. Chose one of your units that is able to, but has not yet, fire (sic) this turn.

- Small Warhammer 40K Rulebook p. 12

 #3 – Interceptor & Overwatch – The Poll

Can an Interceptor Unit also Fire on Overwatch during an Opponent's Turn?

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Don’t forget to leave a comment below and add a bit more detail to your call on this one!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • C AJ Segger

    Like it says on pg38 “If this rule is used, the weapon cannot be fired in the next turn, but the firing model can shoot a different weapon if it has one.” So you can fire your main weapon on Interceptor (using your example Tau Heavy Rail Rifle) and then secondry weapons on Overwatch ( Smart Missile System )

    • Bobthemim

      Next Player Turn though.

      It is still the enemy players turn that Interceptor and Overwatch happens. The player “turn” hasn’t ended

  • Yggdrasil

    Damn, voted the wrong one.

    I’d say “Yes – other weapons can shoot”, but I think this is more RAI than RAW.

    All in all, I definitely wouldn’t see the same weapon firing twice with Interceptor & Overwatch (and I’m a Tau player ;) )

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      I can switch a vote around, if you tell me what you would’ve voted.

      Still, frighteningly even poll so far ….

      • Yggdrasil

        Yup, I voted “No”, while I thought “Yes – But only secondary weapons not used for Interceptor can fire on Overwatch.”

        Thx !

        As for the poll result…. I guess that’s why it’s called a conundrum :D

        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          I guess you are right ,)

          Changed a vote too

          • Yggdrasil

            Thx ;)

  • Hive Senteniel

    When I play with an opponent, I generally allow both Interceptor and Overwatch simply because it doesn’t say they CAN’T be used together. However, that much fire can easily wipe a unit clean off the board. As a result, I think this is a technicality that needs to be clarified by GW in a FAQ ASAP.

  • Xerif

    Letter of the Law -> Yes to both. (this is why we hate rules lawyers)
    Spirit of the Game -> Yes to secondary. There hasn’t been enough time to reload the primary.

    So… in a tournie setting, right now, it would have to be a flat out yes if it wasn’t discussed beforehand. In a LGS or friendly setting, I would go with yes to secondary or no, just for maintaining gaming relationships purposes.

  • Modi

    Well any model can fire Overwatch with any weapon, this doesn’t change anything. Its just the interceptor rule that allows for a first strike action that’s all. And that’s a particular weapon. Technically it fine, but if its a story/realistic argument then that’s up to players.

    • John K.

      But if it is resolved like a shooting attack (which requires a model to
      not have fired in the same turn), it cannot fire (overwatch or not)

      • Modi

        “Like” yes, same no!….Yes it resolved in the sense pick a charger and shoot following normal shooting procedures. But it is not a ‘main’ shooting attack. That’s why it is resolved as snap shots not full ballistic skill, which has emphasis’s on the effect that it is a spur of the moment hastily shot attack. And there is no rule in Overwatch stating it must not have shot previously in the same turn. In Shooting phase rules it notes you cannot shoot the same unit twice in the Shooting phase unless otherwise directed.

  • hellhenni

    I’m with those that say you can do both. Let me explain my point of view to it:

    Via RAW: Interceptor says you can’t shoot the used weapon in your next turn, but it does not say you can’t shoot it in the opponents turn.
    Furthermore the Overwatch rule doesn’t give any limitations on what weapons you can use.

    Via fluff: in order to intercept flyers you normale use a hail of bullets and are not aiming one single shot. Take a look at how the AA-guns in the 2.WW where used. Still today this “technic” is used, unless you have an AA-missile. So a regular Infantry man would just shoot a hail of bullets into the sky in hope of hitting the plane.
