5 Demon-Winning Tyranid Miniatures

Slimy bugs are the talk of the town these day, both on Kickstarter and in Warhammer 40K.

Personally, I’ve never managed to start a Warhammer 40K Tyranid army, but there is no denying that slime, claws and chitin bring out some of the most amazing paint-jobs in the hobby.

Time to take a look at 5 of the great ones!

#1 – Gaunt vs. Ultramarine by Arnold Kovacs

Gaunt vs. Ultramarine

Warhammer 40K is known for big (very big!) battles and Tyranids (especially in painting competitions) often represented by big (very big!) bugs. This diorama by Arnold Kovaks – which won the Slayer Sword (!) at Games Day Canada 2009 – has neither; just a Gaunt launching himself at a single Marine (and some tentacles, got to have tentacles!), executed to perfection.

#2 – Tyranid by Simon Schnitzler

Tyranids by Simon Schnitzler

Also from Games Day Canada 2009 is this fantastic … sculpt (?) … bust (?) from Simon Schnitzler. It also won a Golden Demon (lots of nids that year in Canada) with a very much cthuluesque take on a Tyranid.

#3 – Carnifex by Markus Blackman

Carnifex Miniature Pic

From Canada to Australia, where Markus Blackman won a Golden Demon for this rather unusually painted Carnifex. Proof that unusual colour-schemes can work very well on Tyranids!

#4 – Tyranid Nest by Marco Schulze und Katja Schimmel

Marko Schulze Diorama

This absolutely insane diorama around winged Tyranids (and some truly icky scenery) won a Golden Demon in Germany in 2006. Very slimy!

#5 – Tyranid in IG Holding Cell

Tyranid in Holding Cell

Funny enough, my personal favourite here is also the one that didn’t win a Golden Demon, but “only” a bronze one: The “Tyranid in IG Holding Cell” by Mickael Lavandier and Denis Bouvet.

Which Tyranid is Your Favourite?

Let me know which of the awesome  Tyranids above is your favourite (sorry I gave away my bias).

I am looking forward to your comments below!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • Hive Senteniel

    That nest was the most beautiful piece of art I have ever seen!! 0-0

  • Vermonter

    The holding cell is my favorite too. That one really projects atmosphere. Brilliant.

  • Orangecoke

    Holding cell for me!

  • Chronosmaximus

    Holding Cell!

  • Matthew Mullen

    I was with GW Canada in 2009 and worked submissions at that Golden Daemon. Those top two were mind blowing up close, particularly the diorama.

  • Hydra

    I feel honored to be mentioned along such great entries.

    To answer your questions about the”origin” of the lictor bust, you might find the article I had written about it enlightening:
