5 Reasons Why Warpath Is an Awesome Game

This post is for those of you that have not yet dived into the world of Warpath. However, rather than go into extensive detail of every aspect of the game, I am going to give you a quick run down of the things that I think make the game awesome…

Warpath Forge Father Ancestor

This is a guest post by Andrew Brown from The Council of Seven Blog

5 – Miniatures

The sculpts are really beautiful and have a much better grasp on scale and proportion than most. The Kickstarter campaign, set for the start of 2014, promises to show what Mantic are really capable of with lots of new sculpts sure to be funded.

One of the only downsides of many of the models is the fact that they are made from resin. This material is well known for its excessive mould lines. However, as seen from the Deadzone campaign earlier in the year, Mantic hope to move over to hard plastic as quickly as possible.

4 – Fluff

The background of the Warpath universe really appeals to me. It is written in a way that makes almost anything possible while still giving each faction a clear agenda and reason for fighting.

The Corporation are not xenophobic as the humans are in certain other settings. Their worlds are a much more varied collection of species. Technology is advancing at an unbelievable rate and new worlds are constantly being discovered, the future is bright…

…or so the Council Of Seven would have you think!

3 – Rats

Mantic Games Veer-Myn

As a huge fan of Games-Workshop’s Skaven from a very young age, I was extremely excited to see Mantic release their spacefaring mutant rats: The Veer-myn!

They where the faction that got me into the game and are still my go to guys (rats) when I am playing Warpath. There are of course other factions on offer, including the business-like Corporation, brutal Marauders and stalwart Forge Fathers.

2 – Rules

The rules are still in a state of play testing but even at this point they are the best mass battle rules I have ever seen. When trying to play 40k apocalypse it is very easy to get bogged down with the rules but Alessio Cavotore has created a set of simple yet very tactical rules for Warpath.

It will be interesting to see how the final version of the rules change but I am sure that in the hands of this Italian stallion of the gaming world they can only get better!

Drum roll please….

1 – Community

Mantic have built a wonderful community about themselves by being responsive to their fans, lowering prices while other companies increase theirs and being all round nice guys.

I have been involved with the communities of many games but have yet to find one that comes close to the quality of the legions of Mantic Fanatics. The Pathfinders (Mantics demo guys) in particular are great and have done a great job of showing off these brilliant games!

So that is my excuse (or five of them) for playing Warpath, I hope I have inspired you to give it a go.

See ya.

About the author:Andrew “Loudo” Brown has been playing table top war games since the age of ten (almost twenty years now), including everything that has come out of Games Workshop since the 1990s, Warmachine & Hordes, Malifaux, Call To Arms: Starfleet & Noble Armada, Judge Dredd, Empire Of The Dead and many more.

Having been writing on a friends blog for almost a year Loudo is now striking out on his own with The Council Of Seven, a blog dedicated to the sci-fi side of Mantic Games.

Images 1 – Forge Father Iron Ancestor painted by Andrew Brown.
Image 2 – Warpath Veer-Myn © Mantic Entertainment Ltd.
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  • http://varcancluster.blogspot.com Kraggi

    Good reasons and an interesting read… another kickstarter I see myself taking part in,

    • dynath

      err.. I like your points over all except reason 3. I’m not sure your love of rats convinces me. Maybe it would be better to point out they are supporting a wider variety of armies than other wargames? or maybe point out that they have new takes on old fantasy options? or maybe that they are really focusing on a hard scifi setting over a limited fantasy in space one? All good points.

  • kaptinscuzgob

    its cool and all, but i feel it faces the same problem as WoW competitors. why should i move over to a game that looks very similar to 40k when i already play 40k?

    • Ruska

      A big reason is cost. For one thing, the rules are freely downloadable; You don’t get gouged $50 for a rule book (and potentially another $50 for a supplement that just gives a few special rules/army lists). Then there’s the models; they still look great, but they are priced way more reasonably (usually less than half of the GW equivalent). I get that there isn’t much incentive for an established 40K player to switch over (although you could certainly use existing models as a Counts-As army), but for someone looking to introduce a friend or start a new army, you can get a sizable force for a very reasonable cost.

      Disclaimer: I don’t play Warpath currently, but I’m eagerly awaiting my Kickstarter rewards for their Deadzone campaign (which look like they could easily tie in with the Warpath game).

      • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

        Good points.

        But Warpath models are not priced at half of GW models. They cost almost the same (and you’ll get Restic without spare options instead of plastic sprues).

        10 Mantic Corporation troopers, GBP 15 (restic)
        10 GW Imperial Guard Soldiers, GBP 18 (hard plastic)

        Compared to, say, Warlod Games, 25 Infantry Solders, GBP 22.50 (hard plastic)

        Free rules help, but Mantic is pricing themselves very much in the premium segment of the hobby, always just below GW by a hair-width.

        • Ruska

          I admit 50% is not accurate, at least at box-to-box price. I had been looking more at the total cost of starting a new army, and Mantic gives pretty hefty discounts for bulk purchasing.

          For example, those same troopers are 20 for GBP 25. Still not %50 off of GW, but 1.25/model instead of GW’s 1.8. However, for someone who is willing to buy a small force at once, the Corporation Army Set has 20 Corporation Marines, 3x 2-man Heavy Weapon Squads, 10 Veterans, and 10 Rangers for a very reasonable GBP 50 (1.08/model, 1.02 if you count the heavy weapons squads as 3 models instead of 2). The discounts are even more significant for the larger army packages; it gets down to around .91/model for the largest package, which is about half of the GW equivalent.

          I know not everyone has the luxury of purchasing an army at once, but at least there’s the option to get a substantial discount. (I’ll admit I’m a little spiteful towards GW’s one-click battle box “deals”)

          • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

            Lol. True.

            Can’t disagree with the “one-click” stuff. Even after having them around for a few months, they’re just baffling.

          • Omegrin

            I bought some Corporation Troopers once, hoping to use them as Elysians.

            I took one look at the sprues, assembled one guy and almost vomited, realising how foolish I was. Wasn’t even worth it for the heads.

            So no, ‘good models’ is not a benefit of playing Warpath. Its one of the two reasons my interest ended there.

          • dynath

            I think personally the comparison is more apt between the Enforcers and Space Marines. These are roughly comparable in model size and intent on the table top. In USD 5 space marines are $33.00 (varies by the exact unit), conversely 5 enforcers are $17.50 (varies between strike and assault). That’s pretty near to that 50% off mark. And that’s before any discounts for bulk purchases.

            A lot of people say they get more for their money with GW but I balk at that. The model quality is a bit… hit or miss. SOME models are amazing, others are just shoddy in my opinion. Thus far Mantic has been consistent, they aren’t amazing but they are good and look good together. And god, all those extra head options and stuff like that packed on a GW sprue. I feel it wastes my money, all that junk GW stuffs on a sprue, 95% of it sits in my bits box for 5 years till I buy something else to stick it on and get more junk I won’t use for half a decade. And the other 5% I’d like to equip the whole squad with and can’t unless I buy 5 more boxes. I’d rather just pay less and get what I wanted.