A New Warhammer 40K Allies-Matrix

New Imperial Knights Warhammer 40K Allies Matrix
The 40K fans at Dakkadakka have been busy, and DJGietzen in particular, drafting a new, updated (and improved!) allies matrix for the game of Warhammer 40K at this point in time.

  • Grey – Battle Brothers
  • Yellow  - Allies of Convenience
  • Blue – Desperate Allies (anybody else think this colour-codes make no sense?)
  • Red – Come the Apocalypse

I haven’t checked every single match-up, but it seems accurate (and useful) at a first glance. Legion of the Damned and Chaos Space Marines were cut off unfortunately, but I guess you can still see where they fit in.

What do you think?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • archied

    Surely Battle Brothers – Blue, Allies of Convenience – Grey, Desperate Allies – Yellow and Come the Apocalypse – Red makes a hell of a lot more sense?

  • M

    Necrons as allies of convenience with the Imperium? Really?

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      With Grey Knights, yeah. Double-checked. I believe it is correct.

  • Ivo

    Space Marines and TAU battle brothers????

    Orkos and TAU Allies of convenience???


    that you are thinking to make this table?

  • Hive Senteniel

    This makes waaay more sense. Just eliminate Marines and Tau as Battle Brothers.. Seriously Marines hate those filthy Xenos scum

  • Igor Chistruga

    Dark Eldar + Dark Eldar = Allies of Convenience – don’t You think… they can betrade even their own mother….

    • JimFolks

      Actually still battle brothers. They do betray each other but it is assumed that they will betray each other from the beginning so they often ally with each other.

  • elrodogg

    No reason that Tyranids shouldn’t ally with Guard.

  • http://lordrex.com/ Ben Brophy

    Daemons and IG together makes total sense, not sure why that is dropped off the pairing. There are lots of stories of the local IG getting seduced by the dark side. It gives the Space marines and/or Inquisition someone to purge.

  • Reddos

    I love NO Alies, but in that case, I hope that alies ocuped slot.
    You need 1 GC of the main army and 1 GC of the ally army, but only 2 GC.
    You must have two lines, one of the main, and one of the allys one, and can choose 4 lines more for the main ones.
    3 Elites and 3 Heavys, only 1 for the allys.
    No heroes (with name) in the ally Army.
    IG may be ally of every one

  • Agurus1

    Why are space marines Eldar and tau still BB? That’s dumb. If you are going to redo it do it right at least.

    • Hive Senteniel

      ya I think we should all say bye-bye to the Taudar/Eldau lists. or they should at least be allies of convenience

    • MegaL3

      He’s not re-doing the allies list, he’s just adding the new stuff onto it.

  • http://samizdata.net/blog Perry de Havilland

    The Tau are expansionistic, so it is absurd for anyone to see them as more than allies of convenience, other than perhaps the Eldar, as clearly the Tau are not really a threat to a craftworld… but even then
    I could see clashes with the Swordwind when the Tau encroach on an exodite world.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Yeah.. but who is behind the accelerated Tau evolution/technical advancement? Who “dropped” the Ethereals in a night-and-light-show black ops action to unit the warring Tau Castes?

      Who gene-engineered the Tau to respond to the Ethereals with subservience in the first place?

      Too many unanswered questions…