Heads up for Achtung! Cthulhu, which is now on Kickstarter with lots of pen-and-paper RPG goodness and (!) some amazing miniatures.
I am convinced 2013 is going to be remembered as the year of “Kickstarter-miniature-madness”. There are so many awesome games and miniatures (along with a few bad apples) out there. So much creativity unleashed by the power of Kickstarter’s crowd-funding mechanism!!
Ironically, some of the best stuff out there might not even be apparent as “miniature games”, at least on first glance.
Achtung! Cthulhu is such a case. This Kickstarter started out (and continues to be) funding source-books and campaigns for pen-and-paper roleplaying in the world of the Cthulhu-Mythos during World War 2. However, the sheer success of the Kickstarter has allowed Modiphius Entertainment to unlock several sets of 28mm miniatures, floor-tiles and even a nascent miniature wargame!
I also bombarded Chris from Modiphius with questions as I dug deeper into this Kickstarter. These weren’t really a “planned interview”; more me asking questions and prying for more information.
I’ve included these short Q&A, hoping you’ll find them useful as well.
#1 – Acthung! … the Achtung! Chtulhu Miniatures
First up, the miniatures. If I got it right, there are three sets of miniatures (made in cooperation with Clockwork Goblin Miniatures) now available through the Achtung! Cthulhu Kickstarter.
- Six Allied Investigator Miniatures
- Six Cthulhu Creatures Miniatures
Both are available as separate GBP 25,- pledge if you don’t fancy any pen-and-paper goodies.
There’s also
- Zombies!
Not strictly speaking part of the Cthulhu Mythos, these are (I believe) 28mm versions of Clockwork Goblin‘s 15mm games, thrown in for good measure (and Zombie-lovers…. cause Kickstarters craves Brains Zombies!)
Zweischneid: Are you planning to extend the miniatures line beyond heroes/zombies/deep ones, or are they mainly add-ons to the RPG-Kickstarter? Especially bigger Cthulhu-Mythos creatures?
Chris: Yes there are 6 creatures on top of the 6 investigator’s we’re unveiling them tonight or tomorrow. We are also working on some extra villains and creatures to expand the range.
We don’t plan to do normal soldiers as other companies do them so well.
Zweischneid: From a miniature-perspective, which of the basic rule-sets you cater too (Savage Worlds, CoC, Fate) offers the best rules to use miniatures with your roleplaying-campaign (in your opinion)?
Chris: Savage Worlds is very much geared towards using miniatures.
#2 – The “One War” Introductory Wargame
The guys (and girls) at Modiphius have also been working away at a miniature wargaming system, dubbed the One War System. It’s admittedly still in an early stage of development, though you can get in on the game through the current Kickstarter.
Here’s what Chris had to say about the One War System;
Zweischneid: Can you talk a bit about the “One War” Introductory Wargame? Are you currently designing it? Playtesting it? Will it become a more fully-fledged game (with your own line of miniatures)?
Chris: It’s currently in playtesting and is aimed at 28mm scale, the idea is to let you have large battles that run super fast. It’s driven by cards with cards for units, actions, morale & fear tests as well as cards that control the movement and appearance of other forces if you want to play solo. It is for use with our miniatures and other ranges and will be our house introductory system. The core set comes with 150 cards with enough forces to get you going and there will be some great expansions!
#3 – Achtung! Cthulhu on Kickstarter
It is well worth taking some time to look over the Achtung! Cthulhu Kickstarter.
Just yesterday, on breaking GBP 100.000,-, Modiphius announced plans for a Mash-Up/Cross-over with Paolo Parente’s Dust.
There is clearly a lot more Cthulhu-infused World War II goodness coming.
Zweischneid: Which “pledge-level” do you recommend for a miniature gamer/collector? And which “pledge-level” do you recommend for a miniature gamer/collector interested in giving the pen-and-paper RPG a try?
Chris: The Ultimate Gamer is great as it get’s you the heroes, the creatures and 10 zombies plus PDF’s of all our books at £85 plus shipping.
A great deal as this also includes the PDF set of miniatures floor plan tiles – 32 different locations by artist Henning Ludvigsen who drew the Mansions of Madness and Descent 2nd Edition tiles for Fantasy Flight Games.
Let me know what you think about Achtung! Cthulhu.
P.S.: Also, I set up a Google+ Group for Kickstarter-campaigns from the United Kingdom.
If you know of any cool British Kickstarter such as Achtung! Cthulhu, drop a link over there!