Last week, a miniature painting competition was held in Germany, the Golden Vinci 2013.
Lots of awesome miniatures. Lots of deserving winners.
To me – judging less the painting quality (for which I would not be qualified), but more the pure awesomeness of the overall composition – one piece in particular stood out. The Imperial Command / Tau Diorama by Patrick Kaiser, which made 2nd place in the Open Category.
Have a look!
The Golden Vinci 2013
On Thursday we met and made the judges work for the Golden Vinci. This year there were an incredible number of greatentries here, which has not made it easy for us to make our decisions. There where many good entries but not all can win a Vinci, But you are all winners! Perhaps no Vinci but you have won experience the courage or even won against the inner demon, who knows that so exactly * g *.
All participants, we express our heartfelt thanks.
Congratulations to all the winners!
Patrick Kaiser’s Imperial & Tau Diorama