April Fools Day came and went (in the UK at least).
Perhaps because April 1st coincided with Easter Monday or perhaps because there was no brilliant idea, Games Workshop appears to have skipped April Fools this year.
No successor to How To Roll Citadel Dice in sight!

Games Workshop’s 2011 April Fools Day Offering!
Admittedly, I didn’t post a prank-post either. I tried to think of something cool, but failed.
It’s hard to be funny on command. All the more respect for people who managed to come up with a good Fools-Day joke.
Here are two that were certainly painfully close to the truth. Close enough to fool me for a moment.
#1 – Ebay Closes Down on Games Workshop Products
Ok. Ebay is not going to care much about what Games Workshop says.
Still, with all the Games Workshop shenanigans surrounding their terms-of-trade, the headline of this post on Dakkadakka sounded genuine enough to make me click and look before today’s date came back to me.
Hi there!
Yes, that’s correct, the categories have been removed as part of a pilot rollout that affect a limited number of eBay users. A more detailed announcement will be going out soon, but in general terms, we have been approached and agreed to a request from Games Workshop to prevent the selling and re-selling of their products on eBay both old and new.
This change in eBay policy will start taking effect over the next couple of weeks and will be implemented across all eBay users. Existing auctions will be allowed to run their course and Buy It Now listings, once expired, will not be permitted to be re-listed.
- The eBay Team
Unfortunately, Dakka-mods don’t like humour either, not even on April 1st. Oh well.
#2 – Mantic’s Sci-Fi Zombies
Mantic Games always had a waggish sense of humour. Their latest blog post – Mantic announced Deadzone – is certainly throwing up some odd questions.
The zombie miniatures they posted appear to be a play on poorly “recycled” sculpts, showing zombies with added goggles as “cyber-zombies” for an allegedly upcoming Deadzone skirmish game for Mantic’s Warpath.
Coming Spring 2013, Deadzone is our science-fiction skirmish game set in the Warpath Universe and today we’re proud to show off our brand new faction for this epic new game: The Plague!
That said, Mantic did recycle miniatures before. And it is highly likely that they do have a sci-fi skirmish game called Deadzone for their Warpath universe coming up, complete with a faction called “The Plague!”
Mantic’s walking a thin line there between pre-Kickstarter teaser and April Fools Day prank. But those do make the best, most believable pranks after all!
Have a look at their byline!
The Plague go up for pre-order on the 26th April 2013 with a core boxset that will give you 80 Zombies for £29.99.
Now, the big question… will the next Mantic Kickstarter go up on April 26th?
Or has all of it been a red herring?
#3 – Have You Been Fooled?
Have you been fooled?
Are there other cool April-Fools-Day posts and announcement out there I missed?
Let me know!