Blood Angels eCodex and Ordo Xenos Warlord Preview

More digital goodness from Games Workshop Digital Editions. Along with the second wave of Dark Elves miniatures, GW released the digital version of the Blood Angels Codex today.

Also, they published a teaser preview from the upcoming Codex Inquisition: Ordo Xenos.

#1 – Blood Angels Digital Codex

Codex Blood Angels Digital Edition
Codex Blood Angels Warhammer 40K Digital Edition

Lots of previews of the new digital Blood Angels Codex can be found on the iTunes page.

The Blood Angels fought at the Emperor’s side in the very earliest days of the Imperium and now, ten thousand years later, their battle to protect Mankind continues. Yet tales abound of a dark flaw that mars the Chapter, a curse that drives the Blood Angels into the cauldron of war with unmatched ferocity. Do the Blood Angels fight for humanity any longer, or merely for their own salvation? Whatever the truth, when the Blood Angels descend into battle, no foe can hope to stay their wrath.

About this Edition:

This digital codex includes interactive miniatures galleries, lavish full colour artwork, and full rules for fielding an army of Blood Angels on the battlefield.

#2 – Ordo Xenos Teaser Preview

Ordo Xenos Preview Digital Editions
Preview of the upcoming Codex: Inquisition from GW Digital Edition’s Facebook page.

Preorders go up next weekend.

You’ll be able to preorder your copy next weekend, but in the meantime, post up any photos you have of awesome Inquisitor models that you’ve painted up.

#3 – Thoughts?

Are you interested in either of those two Digital Releases? Both? None?

Leave a comment and let me know what you think?




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


@MunkeyKungFu Yeah. I saw it come through Facebook (?) a few days ago. A reminder certainly helps though ;) - 3 hours ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • Sagjer Whelan

    Can GW stop with the digital releases already? It’s not like they don’t get enough money from selling physical copies or anything. -.-

  • Badgerboy1977

    Looking forward to seeing the Inquisition Codex, should be interesting.

    I guess they’ll release SoB and Inq as print copies later on but I’m happy with digital copies, more convenient and portable than print and easily updateable.
    Just wish Google would provide a similar system to Apples bookstore so we can get interactive versions for Android as well, for me the extra value included is enough to pay that bit extra.

    I do enjoy physical copies on occasion though, I’ve just ordered BL’s Ltd Ed Visions of Heresy to go along with FW’s HH books for example. Now that’s the sort of quality and feel you just can’t get from staring at a screen.

    For me I want digital for convenient gaming (all the rules at your fingertips and no heavy books to lug around) and print for reference at home and when it comes to Ltd Editions just the joy of owning something that’s beautifully put together.
    Both have their benefits and aren’t mutually exclusive and it’s good to see GW embrace the modern world with both hands.

    • Zweischneid

      I agree.

      Obviously, it’s hard to look “inside” the processes at GW that greenlight these things, but I am fairly confident that Codex: Inquisition is not a product we would’ve seen without the new Digital Line of Codexes.

      Adepta Sororitas? Dunno. I guess you can argue different ways there. But Inquisition is almost certainly “a bonus”. The choice there isn’t between this one Digital or not-Digital. For now, it’s the choice between Digital or nothing, with the added possibility (small as it may be) that this will translate into a print publication at some point, especially if it proves popular.

      • ProdigalPlayer

        This is such an important point that people who are against digital editions tend to ignore. The rapid rate of release of supplements and things like the Inquisition Codex probably would never even happen were it not for the fact that GW can release these with less financial investment. It’s really just a total boon to the community, because it’s not likely that we’d ever see half these supplements if Digital editions didn’t exist.

  • Hive Senteniel

    This new codex seems interesting. I really hope this and SoB get a print copy sooner or later. The Blood Angels codex is apparently the SAME codex I guess they just released for digital. just cause? Anyway glad my Nids we’ll have something new to chew on :)

    • Mouseless

      It is the same codex, but with added warlord traits, faq’ed rules, and tweaks to account for 6th edition changes.

  • Zweischneid

    More fun previews… Priests (and loads of ambiguity)

  • J. Michael Hurst

    Heck, I want the Inquisition so badly I may just pre-order the thing. Want new plastic to go with it though…

  • Fitzeolas

    I am glad about the digital releases for one solid reason beside the ease of having all of your rules on one tablet. They promise to provide the rules updates as a living document. I am sure this won’t apply to edition changes such as from 6th to 7th, but as equivalence throughout the life of each edition. That alone, is very very cool.