More digital goodness from Games Workshop Digital Editions. Along with the second wave of Dark Elves miniatures, GW released the digital version of the Blood Angels Codex today.
Also, they published a teaser preview from the upcoming Codex Inquisition: Ordo Xenos.
#1 – Blood Angels Digital Codex

Lots of previews of the new digital Blood Angels Codex can be found on the iTunes page.
The Blood Angels fought at the Emperor’s side in the very earliest days of the Imperium and now, ten thousand years later, their battle to protect Mankind continues. Yet tales abound of a dark flaw that mars the Chapter, a curse that drives the Blood Angels into the cauldron of war with unmatched ferocity. Do the Blood Angels fight for humanity any longer, or merely for their own salvation? Whatever the truth, when the Blood Angels descend into battle, no foe can hope to stay their wrath.
About this Edition:
This digital codex includes interactive miniatures galleries, lavish full colour artwork, and full rules for fielding an army of Blood Angels on the battlefield.
#2 – Ordo Xenos Teaser Preview
Preview of the upcoming Codex: Inquisition from GW Digital Edition’s Facebook page.
Preorders go up next weekend.
You’ll be able to preorder your copy next weekend, but in the meantime, post up any photos you have of awesome Inquisitor models that you’ve painted up.
#3 – Thoughts?
Are you interested in either of those two Digital Releases? Both? None?
Leave a comment and let me know what you think?