Rick Priestely Presents Bolt Action – A 28mm WWII Skirmish Game from Warlord Games

Bolt ActionRick Priestley is one of the most recognized designers of miniature wargames. He has also been a very busy man it seems. Now, in a recently published YouTube Video, he gives some first-hand insights about his newest creation at Warlord Games: Bolt Action, a 28mm skirmish game set in World War II. The first books have now been shipped for the early birds.

Rick Priestely: the Legend!

If there is such a thing as celebrity game-designers in wargaming, it is the older generation of Games Workshop game developers, whose names are easily recognized by tabletop-gamers: Andy Chambers, Jervis Johnson, Alessio Cavatore and, of course, Rick Priestely.

Like the rest, Rick Priestely is best known for his hand in the big (Warhammer Fantasy, 40K) and smaller games (Necromunda) by Games Workshop. Since 2010 he has moved over to Warlord Games, a company that specializes in historical wargames, to help create games such as Black Powder or Hail Caeser. And perhaps to get a respite from the serious business of historically faithful wargaming, he also added his insights to the upcoming loony game of Fanticide, which is currently fundraising on Kickstarter.

I admit, it looks like Rick isn’t quite as comfortable in his new marketing job yet (and Warlord Games could do better video-quality too, I am sure). Nevertheless, the video does give you a good idea of what you get with the book. Have a look:

And according to Warlord Games’ Twitter-feed, more videos like this are currently being made. In any case, the guys at Warlord Games seem as much in awe of Rick Priestley in their middle as they seem set on exploiting his reputation to brand their game.

The Bolt Action Miniatures

So much for the game. It is obviously no Dust Warfare. No Weird War or alternative history. No Zombies or faux-power armour. This game, like all Warlord Games, tries to bring you authentic WWII tabletop gaming. And this is, I believe, where some people may find a lot of use for these miniatures. 28mm plastic kits (though there are some metals in the mix!) for the wargaming table that aim for historical accuracy? Yes please!

I am pretty sure there are a few Imperial Guard enthusiasts out there, who wouldn’t mind adding a bit of authentic WWII aesthetics to their forces.

Are you on the lookout for a WWII 28mm skirmish game? Does Bolt Action tick the right boxes? Do you like the miniatures or do you think they are superfluous in a world of abundant model-tank kits?

I would love to hear your opinion in the comments below!


Interested? Order your Bolt Action Rulebook with free shipping (from the UK) from Wayland Games. They also carry the rest of the Bolt Action Miniatures.
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.