Commission Miniature Painting: A Customer’s Perspective and Review by ‘Eldar Craftworld’

Eldar Craftworld Eldar War Walkers by Golem Painting Studio

Browsing the interwebs yesterday, I stumbled upon a great post. Adam on his Eldar Blog [blog removed] wrote on his experience and thoughts on the process of commissioning an Eldar Army for Warhammer 40K from Golem Painting Studio. Great insights and tips for anyone who would consider getting their miniatures painted by professionals!

4 Amazing Painted Kingdom Death Miniatures

Kingdom Death Flower Knight

Kingdom Death took Kickstarter by storm. I didn’t even quite realize who I was interviewing when I sent Adam Poots an email with questions some time ago. Since then, I kept an eye open for Kingdom Death miniatures. And I have seen amazing things. I created a Kingdom Death category on If you paint them, feel [...]

3 Great Prize Giveaways You Can Enter Today

Free Stuff for Wargamers

With my Chaos Space Marines Challenge concluded, there is no giveaway on at the moment. That doesn’t mean that there are no opportunities to win cool prizes out there. Here are three fantastic giveaways that might interest you. Check out these great giveaways from Titan Forge, Nicholas Kay and #warmongers‘ Golden Daemon Winner Ichiban [...]

Warhammer 40K in 2012: The Year in Pictures

Warhammer 40K in 2012 in Review

The end of the year is approaching. Time to look back. I may be early, but I am guessing Games Workshop’s work on the Hobbit Strategy Battle Game will mean the end of Warhammer 40K releases for 2012. Hopefully, 2013 will start strong with a new Codex (Dark Angels?). Here is 2012 in Warhammer 40K [...]

DreadBall Season 2 Colour Scheme Testers

Z'zor Locust City Chiefs DreadBall Team

Quick Sunday update. If you’re on Mantic’s DreadBall Newsletter, you’ll probably have seen their latest colour scheme testers for two of the Season 2 teams for DreadBall. If you haven’t, than here are the pics. As you may or may not know, I have taken a special interest in the Locust City Chiefs Z’zor team. [...]

Games Workshop’s The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game now Available for Pre-Order. Thoughts?

The Hobbit Available for Pre-Order

Stating the obvious in this blog post. Games Workshop has kept a remarkably tight seal on the new line of miniatures for their Hobbit Strategy Battle Game. The Limited Edition Radagast Miniature aside, it is save to say that the gaming public truly only saw what was coming through the official YouTube teasers and the [...]

40K Giveaway Madness on

Join the Revolution on MasterminisNet

Heads-up for what is shaping up to be an interesting giveaway on I’ve recently ran two small giveaways (and I am still busy finding the last winners). A blog-giveaway of entirely different proportions is currently being rolled by It is… a bit complicated. But it looks like it will be worth it for [...]

Calling All Chaos Players: The Chaos Space Marines Challenge Ends Today!

Chaos Space Marines Heldrake

The Hobby Challenge to celebrate the release of Chaos Space Marines for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition is about to close. Share pictures of your Chaos Space Marine miniatures on and you could win one of a great selection of prices, including a Chaos Space Marines Heldrake, a Black Crusade RBP and awesome terrain sets from [...]

Chaos Space Marines Artefacts: Review Part 2

Warhammer 40K Chaos Artifacts 2

My second article on the Chaos Artefacts presented in the new Chaos Space Marines Codex for Warhammer 40K 6th Edition. Yesterday I reviewed the three close-combat artefacts available. Those are clearly the straightforward, in-your-face type of wargear options for your Chaos Marines HQ. Today I look at the more exotic artefacts: The Burning Brand of [...]