5 Awesome Miniatures from GD France 2012


Games Workshop’s Games Day 2012 in France finished this weekend. Since this year’s Games Day UK was close to home, I had a chance to visit. I was not personally at the Games Day in France, though France has long been a source of awe-inspiring and fantastic miniature painting. Luckily, the blog Les Chevaliers du [...]

Citadel Ultimate Paint Set: Worth a Try?

Citadel Ultimate Paint Set Games Workshop

Games Workshop is gearing up for Christmas. With the latest White Dwarf, they unveiled more new releases than I can count. One that piqued my interest is their Citadel Ultimate Paint Set. 144 different paints. Some new ‘Eavy Metal Edge Paints for final highlights. I haven’t used Games Workshop paints in years. Now I wonder [...]

Massive Voodoo’s Figure Art Book Indiegogo

Massive Voodoo Miniature Painting

Here is a quick heads-up for a mighty fine Indiegogo-campaign from the guys from Massive Voodoo; a Germany-based blog with a plethora of fantastic painting and hobby tutorials. Two of their painters - Roman Lappat and Raffaele Picca – started this crowd-funder to produce a high-quality, hard-cover art book of their best miniature work. Pure eye-candy, and the [...]

Blue Table Painting Kickstarts Controversy

Blue Table Painting Service

Blue Table Painting is now on Kickstarter offering their painting services. Doing so, they take the simmering controversy of Kickstarter-for-creatives vs. Kickstarter-for-business to a whole new level. It seems the line between Kickstarter as a place to crowd-fund “creativity” and a peculiar second store-front and pre-order-page is getting more blurred each week. Will projects like [...]

Celebrating 100 Blog-Posts and 2 Weeks of Chaos Space Marines Hobby Challenge!

100 Blog Posts

Without even realizing, I just passed the mark of my 100th blog-post on this blog yesterday. Technically, you are already reading my 101st post, but I’d thought I’d celebrate a little anyhow. It’s been quite an experience for me. Yet the best, of course, is seeing people take action and sharing some of their work on the PinsofWar.net [...]

Chaos Marines Hobby Challenge & Giveaway! Share your CSM pics on www.pinsofwar.net

PinsofWar Chaos Space Marines Hobby Challenge

Summer is over. Days are shorter and the air is getting colder. Time to get back into the Hobby! What better reason is there than the fantastic new Chaos Space Marines miniatures for Warhammer 40K? To get Chaos Space Marines fans together to share and exchange the best CSM pictures on pinsofwar.net. I am pleased to announced [...]

Games Day UK: Forge World Stole The Show!

Games Day UK Forge World Games Workshop

Games Day UK 2012. It must have been a decade since I last attended a Games Day in person. Maybe what I say is old news for most. Yet, having returned from Birmingham, my foremost (and surprising) realization is just how much Forge World stole the limelight from everyone else. Of course, their Horus Heresy [...]

Poll: Is Dark Vengeance too Tough to Paint for a Starter?

Painted Chaplain 40K Dark Vengeance Box

Dark Vengeance is out and discussions abound on GW’s latest starter box. The box will shape people’s entry into the hobby for years to come (and bulk out many veteran gamers’ collection too, no doubt). I recently blogged about my difficulties scoring a limited edition. Now, as my box is on its way, I am [...]