Change – Building A Smaller, More Personal Blog

Be The Change

If you are a (more or less) regular visitor to my blog, and you’ve been here over in the last week, you may have noticed that I have been a bit … restrained … in blogging about the latest rumours and upcoming releases. The interwebs have been hot on Warhammer Dark Elves, Sentinels of Terra, and other things, while I talked about Lords of Waterdeep (fun game though!)

#1 – Working in the Industry

Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

- Confucius


Well, there’s a simple reason. I’ve picked up a bit more freelance work in the industry recently, and some of it will lead me to Notthingham soon.

I had a very (very) minor role in the upcoming Total Extinction Kickstarter, which in turn makes it impossible for me to pledge (funny how it goes, but apparently Kickstarter will suspend any and all projects if people associated with said project actually pledge).

More importantly, I am again going to do some work up in Notthingham, and that means respecting the rules, far more so than an “independent hobbyist” would. I’ve had my grievances with some of GW’s policies in the past. But neither could I take money from them, only to turn around and flout their wishes as if nothing happened. That, to me, would be oddly hypocritical.

That’s just how it goes. I love blogging about this industry. Even more, I love the idea of working in this industry, possibly even full-time one day, and there’s no way to do both.

#2 – A Smaller Blog

As a result, I will stop doing “news” on this blog. There’ll be, for the next few months at least, no articles on upcoming GW releases and, obviously, no leaks, etc.. on Pins of War.

I realize this will make this blog a lot less attractive for a lot of people. From the ~ 1.500.000 page views I’ve had this year, well over half went to “rumours” and “leaks”, etc… . If you’ve come to Pins of War for this kind of information, I apologize. You won’t find it here in the future.

What will you find on Pins of War instead?

Well, to be honest, I don’t know yet. Likely I will have to experiment a bit, trying to figure out (once again) what people enjoy reading.

I will almost certainly still do book reviews, incl. Black Library, but possibly more other books (and comics?) too. I will likelyalso review games I play, including some of those I have coming my way via Kickstarter (incl. Deadzone, Kingdom Death and – possibly – Total Extinction, if I get my hands on it!). I may even start a personal project log so you can see some of my pitiful painting ;)

For now, Pins of War will be less structured, less newsy, though perhaps a bit more personal. Either way, it’ll probably take some time to find a “new balance” again.

Hell, if you have an idea of the kinds of things you’d be interested in reading (that don’t include GW news & rumours), post a comment and let me know.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


Warhammer Visions & White Dwarf Weekly Cover Preview #40k #wargaming #wfb - 10 hours ago
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  • Matt

    Hmm – I liked the tactical review/analysis style of things – like the ‘how to arm centurions’ post thing you did. Book reviews didn’t interest me in the slightest though. Being honest – the only thing that kept me coming back regularly were links from your facebook to upcoming releases etc – but I’m always keen to keep an eye on other hobbyists projects so that might be a direction for you!

    Hope the feedback helps!


    • Zweischneid

      I think I’ll still write tactical articles once in a while. Curiously, I did far less of them for Space Marines than I did for Tau or Eldar, partly because so much (Warlord Traits, etc..) was spoiled before the release. But I am going to be on and off working practically on top of Warhammer World. If anything, I expect to play more in the future, not less :)

      Though yes, news & rumours bring the visitors. News & Rumours bring the lively debates.

      There is not the slightest doubt about that. And without them, the blog will be a lot more quiet. Just the way it is, though I can’t really change that atm.

      Though I’m not a “red shirt”, so I might be free to handle things again more liberally come springtime.

      • Yggdrasil

        Lucky you !

        TBH, I’m not a really fan of the leaks & rumours thread (I’ve been trying to avoid them lately)…

        The “tactics” articles are really what I liked most. As for book reviews, I enjoyed the ones for the books I had read, and avoided the reviews of the ones I hadn’t. So mixed feelings lol ;)

        Let us know how you fare in the GW bunker !! :D

    • Zweischneid

      Indeed, looking at my stats, the most popular “non-news” post on my blog this year was my post on Tau Crisis Suits>

      Guess I’ll may have to work in that direction. These kind of post do take time to write though. Not something I can churn out day-in, day-out.

  • belverker

    Good to hear about your work related fortunes. While I will miss some of those articles I will still look at most articles mate as I like what you write and you seem to show some great stuff that isn’t GW (and lets face it, that is everywhere anyway)

    • Zweischneid

      Thanks :)

  • CrAzY424

    Good luck with your work mate. If you ever want to power a news piece without an association with POW then shoot it over to us at Warzone, we will post anything you want anonymously. Otherwise, keep up the book reviews.

  • Paintingbuddha

    I will still follow your blog when you write only about what you had for breakfast :D
    You are one of the best writers in the blogging scene and I really enjoy your articles.

    Good luck with your new job!

  • Chris

    I have only been playing 40K for about the last 5-6 months and for most of the time I have been reading your blog, I was lucky enough start playing Space Marines just before the release and I must say I have really enjoyed reading what you have to say about the upcoming releases and general news and although you might not be posting so much on this I will certainly keep popping back to see what you have to say.