Helbrute Point-Costs Drop! A 40K First?

Chaos Space Marines HelbruteThere goes a sacred cow of Warhammer 40K I didn’t expect to go. Games Workshop released a first version of rules errata for the latest Chaos Space Marines Codex. A scant few changes, mainly to Plaque Zombies. More astounding however, a straight 5 point discount on the Helbrute! That is something I cannot remember ever seeing in a Warhammer 40K errata. Games Workshop should do this more often.

The Latest Chaos Space Marines Update

For a start, here’s the errata Games Workshop just put out to the public. It’s relatively scarce, just 5 little changes. A lot of talk seems to revolve around the plaque zombies. I don’t feel I can really comment on this, as I haven’t looked into it much. Nurgle isn’t really my cup of tea. The 5 point drop of the Helbrute, however, is something I haven’t seen in Warhammer 40K rules errata before.

The utility of shaving points of underused units

Whatever errata Games Workshop put out so far, changing rules, answering questions, etc., I don’t remember seeing them ever change the point costs of a unit.

Whatever the motivation behind this is, I hope Games Workshop is having a look at this and will consider shaving points of other units through errata in the future.

The spontaneous reaction might be to clamour for point-increases of units that are often perceived as “too cheap”, such as Space Wolves Long Fangs for example. That, I must say, is probably more difficult. It could have the effect that a player who is unaware of the changes would bring a list above the agreed point level, which would be awkward for friendly games and a logistic nightmare for more organized play.

On the other hand, dropping point costs seems a risk-free change. At worst, people would simply not use all the points available. It is what would happen now if a player calculates the Helbrute at its earlier point cost as it is printed in the Codex. It would certainly not risk.. say.. exclusion from a tournament, only because one didn’t read a pdf.

Warhammer 40K Tau Sniper

What 5 points could do? Pic by Will Merydith

The possibilities to breathe a bit of life back into neglected units is endless or show some token consideration to aging Codexes: A 5 points drop for Tau Sniper Teams? Eldar Swooping Hawks? 5 points less for Black Templar Rhinos?

Admittedly, this would not solve all balance-issues. Nor should it. But as a gesture of goodwill and as a demonstration of the game designers’ awareness of how the game of Warhammer 40K evolves (especially over different editions), it could certainly be a powerful tool for Games Workshop to make the long tail of old books and under-utilized Codex entries a bit livelier.

It might not impact the most hard-nosed tournament lists, but it just might make the broader game a bit more colourful and diverse.

What do you think? Leave a comment below!


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    I know I’m a little late here, but the point drop was to bring it in line with the non-english versions of the codex, apparently the english one had a typo, so it wasn’t a “balancing” measure unfortunately

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Well. That does sound like a more probably (if less exciting) explanation, even though I haven’t seen a non-english Codex.

      Alas.. it was a good thing to hope for while it lasted…

      • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

        Oh i know i was getting excited that there may be points adjustments in the future…