For weeks, Faeit212 has been the blog to turn to for the latest rumours and speculations about the upcoming Warhammer 40K Chaos Space Marines Codex. Now they’ve gotten their hands on the next White Dwarf and posted pictures from the coming Chaos Space Marines release. Forgefiends, Warpsmith and the fabled Helldrake! Take a look at these beasties!
Chaos Space Marines from the next White Dwarf
First up the Forgefiend. Chaos Space Marines in Warhammer 40K are getting a few beasties for their army:

Chaos Space Marines Forgefiend
And here is an alternative build to the Forgefiend, the Maulerfiend. I guess it is now the norm that Games Workshops publishes kits like these with alternative builds. Both of them look a lot like a Warhammer 40K specific variant of a Chaos Juggernaut.

Chaos Space Marines Maulerfiend
Iron Warriors rejoice! Here comes the Warpsmith:

Chaos Space Marines Warpsmith
Then there is a whole range of pictures of the new Chaos Space Marines “Raptors”. In their new incarnation for the 6th Edition of Warhammer 40K they are called Warptalons:

Chaos Space Marines Warptalon

Chaos Space Marines Warptalon 2

Warptalon Details

Warptalons Product Page
And last but not least there is the mysterious “dragon”. Speculations about this guy have initially been met with a lot of skepticism and disbelieve. But I guess beasts like this make sense in an army featuring many more animal-like daemonic or half-daemonic engines.

Chaos Space Marines Helldrake
Do you like the new artistic direction of Games Workshop’s Chaos Space Marines in Warhammer 40K? Will you be buying some of those to paint?
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