Hello everyone! I am happy to announce that I’ve managed to contact all four winners of my Chaos Space Marines Hobby Challenge! Prizes are on their way, going to as diverse places as Australia, Canada, the UK and the United States. I’d also like to thank all the blogs, forums and hobby-sites that helped promote this Giveaway, as well as of course Warmill.co.uk for sponsoring the awesome prizes!
The Chaos Space Marines Hobby Challenge Winners!
1st Prize: The first price of a brand-new Chaos Space Marines Heldrake goes to Belverker. Have a look at his Chaos Space Marines on PinsofWar.net.

Night Lords Space Marines from Belverker
2nd Prize: The second prize of a Warmill.co.uk Portable Utility Pod (P.U.P.) goes to Roccoisnotagrue. Have a look at his fantastic Nurgle Marines.

Typhus, Herald of Nurgle by Roccoisnotagrue
3rd Prize: The third prize of a Warmill.co.uk Gatehouse Expansion Pack goes to Ashrog. He also entered the contest with some highly creative Nurgle Chaos Space Marines.

Death Guard Marine by Ashrog
4th Prize: The fourth prize of a Black Crusade Roleplaying Game from Fantasy Flight Games goes to frommage. Only one Chaos Marine so far (we want to see more!), but frommage has a few other Warhammer 40K miniatures pinned. Take a look!

Old School Chaos Space Marine by frommage
Many Thanks to Everyone Who Helped Promote the Contest!
A lot of bloggers, forums and sites helped promote this Giveaway. I want to thank all of them. Even though I am sure to miss somebody, here is a list (in alphabetical order) of the sites that helped a great deal to get this going. If you give your readers, friends or subscribers a heads-up about my contest and don’t find yourself on the list below, send me a message and I’ll rectify that immediately!




Many thanks to everyone and once more congratulations to the winners!