Warhammer 40K Codex Adepta Sororitas Cover

Adepta Sororitas Codex CoverIn today’s Newsletter, Games Workshop unveiled the new cover art for the upcoming digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas.

The initial art shown in the White Dwarf preview was older, recycled artwork, but this one appears to be a newly commissioned piece? At least I haven’t seen it before.

Update: The digital Codex: Adepta Sororitas is now available on iTunes.

#1 – Codex: Adepta Sororitas on October 19th


Sentinels of Terra isn’t the only new Digital title on its way later this month. From the 19th October, Codex: Adepta Sororitas will be released as the first digital exclusive codex. As a thank you for signing up to our newsletter, you lucky people get to be the first in the world to see the stunning new cover of the codex.

Update:A little bit more information from GW’s Digital Editions Facebook page:

It’s certainly based on the White Dwarf Sisters of Battle Codex, but with new additions to bring it in line with the new books. Things like Warlords table, new Ecclesiarchy Relics and an Altar of War. There’s also new artwork and an expanded background section.

#2 – Sentinels of Terra on October 26th

The newsletter pre-view doesn’t give much more than that on the Sisters of Battle.

There is, however a 24 (ePub) pages preview of the upcoming Sentinels of Terra supplement. Sentinels of Terra will be released a week after the Codex: Adepta Sororitas on October 26th.


One of the most exciting things at Games Day this year, was the announcement of Sentinels of Terra, the first supplement for Codex: Space Marines.

Sentinels of Terra focuses on the 3rd Company of the Imperial Fists. The extensive background section of the supplement includes new artwork and background on the 3Rd Company, and focuses particularly on the legendary events of the Crusade of Thunder. There are also new rules to use with your Imperial Fists collection, including new Warlords Traits, Company Relics, army wide rules, Apocalypse formations, Plantestrike and Cities of Death stratagems and eight new missions to play.

Sentinels of Terra will be released on the 26th of October, both as an interactive edition for your iPad, and as an eBook Edition for Android, Kindle and iBooks. You’ll be able to pre-order your copy from the 19th of October.

We’ve put together a free preview of the eBook Edition of Sentinels of Terra, so you can get a taste of what to expect in the supplement.


Funny how Games Workshop Digital Editions turned so quickly form a side-project to the place where the hot stuff is happening.

I still don’t think the new Codex Sisters of Battle Adepta Sororitas will be much more than an update of the White Dwarf army-list with a bit of 6th Edition flavour (Warlord Traits) added. However, new art at least raises the possibility of a positive surprise!

Let’s see what happens.




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • Kiaos

    Praise The Emperor.

  • Fluffy the destroyer

    I hope to the throne that this is more than just an update to the white dwarf list. I’ve got the old witch hunters codex and the only think keeping me from starting them is the models. the goddam metal models. Workshop had better update their models pretty damn soon. the sororitas deserve it of nothing else. hell they deserve it more than the 4th ed tau deserved their update

    • Jamie MacDonald

      I’m a Tau fanboy and even I’d say I’d love a Sister’s Codex at long last. They were my first option until I racked up the cost to get started and went off it.

  • Vashta

    From the GW Facebook page:

    It’s certainly based on the White Dwarf Sisters of Battle Codex, but with new additions to bring it in line with the new books. Things like Warlords table, new Ecclesiarchy Relics and an Altar of War.

    There’s also new artwork and an expanded background section.

    • Fluffy the destroyer

      Any hints at new models? please?

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Thanks. Added it to the post!

  • Paintingbuddha

    Good thing that according to the Limited Stuff design team all digital codices will not only be released as hardcover about 3 months after release of the digital codex, but ALSO as a limited edition…. *drool*

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      GW loves their limited, true.

      So far.. all digital supplements (!) have been turned into hardcovers.

      If the actual Codex: Sisters will turn hardcover….well? If it does, it’ll be a step up any way you look at it (though still a bit odd if they release a printed non-supplement Codex without miniatures)

  • James_33

    This Sisters of Battle Codex is probably being issued to test the waters. The amount of interest people show in it may determine the army’s future.

    • Harley

      Unfortunately iPad exclusive release means few will buy it, most will pirate it and when it is finally available for other readers/physical release most people will already have a ripped PDF copy or be broke from the holiday season. Not the best method of release GW…

      • Wulfgar

        Where is everyone getting the idea that it’s iPad only?!

        • Harley

          Because GW has an exclusive deal with apple which means all digital releases are iPad exclusive for about 3 months before being released to other platforms.

          • BrianDavion

            that’s the intreasting thing though, this doesn’t say apple exclusive like that, it implies both apple and non apple right from the start

          • Bill

            If all the stuff is Ipad exclusive why can I download the stuff for Kindle the day I buy it?

  • Jared Reidel

    Battle Honurs flapping in the wind kind of look like a chaos arm

  • Yi Sun-sin

    As I said on DakkaDakka forums :
    “It’s quite good, but maybe a little
    too escher girl for me. The background is cool, the two sisters at the
    back are cool, the front sister is cool from the shoulder up, but the
    rest is strangely distorted, and the pose quite don’t make sense. Why
    the hell is she walking both sideway and away from where is is shooting ?
    Why don’t she look at where she is going ? That’s never too good an
    idea to go around without looking when the whole battlefield is on fire !
    It’s a little sad because if they had just given her lower body a sensible pose, the cover would have been AWESOME ! ”

    • James

      The pose is the a-typical “Female comic book hero” pose tbh. Unfortunate and all too common.

      • Yi Sun-sin

        Yeah. In the original post the escher girl keyword was linking to the escher girl tumblr on the “boobs and butt pose” keyword, but I figured the link wouldn’t go well into a comment (anti-spam and all that).

    • Laszlo

      Hi Yi Sun-sin,

      I don’t like Escher girls too, it’s ridiculous – BUT, if you look carefully at a better resolution, it is a classic pose: three-quarters and not chest-butt. Perhaps the drape of the fabric has mistaken the figure. I think the illustrator, Anna Steinbauer is too careful to fall into a cliché like that. Look for “depingo dot deviantart dot com” it is very interesting. Cheers!

      • Modi

        Personally I feel that this cover is actually well constructed and designed, while yes there is an element of sexuality in the pose of the leading female figure, which is more indicative of the fact shes not in power armour (that just may be a good thing) which allows the figure of the female form to be more apparent in its silhouette. This aids in the visual devices employed within the artwork, like the use of line that allows for the eye of the view to follow to a focus point. This works quite well with this artwork as the slender features of the Sisters’ legs lead the viewer up the body to its focus point being the face, this is coupled with the line from the boltgun as well. The further you are drawn into this focus point the more apparent your faced with an entirely different thought, that while this is a female character its a very empowered female character (and maybe if you will drawing on the years past with very strong women donning large shoulder pads under their jackets giving then a empowered sense, could be liked but maybe not, its just an initial reaction). And personally feel that this is a very evolved image of a Sister that removes the overall social stigma of sexuallising women within a gaming environment. I feel is exhibits a very strong, empowered and determined woman (that I definitely wouldn’t want to cross). Overall I do see where the artists is going and feel it changes the general perspective of the portrayal of women within games. Mind you I am looking at this as an artist myself and so have a certain attitude for observing and evaluating artworks. In sum its a bad-ass woman with a “get out of my way” stamped across her face.

      • Yi Sun-sin


        Yeah, I had already seen the full picture after my last message, which showed more of the legs, and the pose was not what I thought it was. It still feels very weird to me. Maybe not Escher weird, but still pretty strange.
        One of her knee seems to be facing us, while the other one is facing the right of the picture, and I can’t decide which direction her pelvis is facing. Is she walking ? If she is, then I guess she is going to the right, since that’s the direction of the knee on the leg that is in front rather than behind the rest of her body. Her other leg shows that she was going in front before changing direction or something. If she is standing, then there is no reason why her legs would be as far spread out, and not facing the same direction.
        Maybe I’ll post a comment on Anna Steinbauer’s DeviantArt to ask how she came up with that pose.

        • Modi

          I do have a sense of how your viewing the pose of the character, but as a helpful idea of looking at it form a different perspective, is simply looking at the perspective. Its low angle shot meant to enstill a dominating position for the character. And the viewer is not positioned down her eye line. If you can imagine looking at her straight on down the barrel of the gun, then you might see her pose as a brace and not so much as a walking gesture. Couple this with the left hand extended to the back of her, it offers a sense of movement but more in the past tense. She’s reacting quickly to a situation to fling the arm back for balance in order to rotate and fire in quick succession. Think of something like a quick draw from a cowboy that emulates speed and again combined with the idea that you are firing a gun and have to brace from the recoil. After all she doesn’t wear power armour and with no genetic modification (as far as I’m aware) its quite impressive to outstretch the boltgun quickly and shoot as most back story tells that boltguns are quite large weighty objects. Consider that with a bloke this day and age firing a high powered rifle in one out stretched hand, its quite difficult to do let alone a boltgun that weighs a quite a bit. So maybe taking into account some of what I’ve said and then looking at it, it might then feel more natural to you. Which i will admit that drawing up some poses can be difficult and I think she done a great job with it, hats off to her.

          • Yi Sun-sin

            Well, there is one thing I’m sure, and it’s that this Sister of Battle, like all Sisters of Battle but the Repentia, is wearing power armor.

  • Mathijs Booden

    I would get the paper version. The Witch Hunters codex is still my favorite for the amount of flavour it oozes.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    Sisters of Battle Warlord Traits Preview

    • Rob

      They need to fix the army to make it viable beyond 2k points. Or at least get rid of the faith points nerf. So many units are over priced and useless in that codex, right now they are only mildly useful as an ally unit.

  • Rift

    I think i’m the only person that actually likes the Escher girls poses on the cover :(

  • Jared Fulcher

    So friggin’ excited!!!!

    And I like the cover too. ;)