Time to take a peek at the limited edition of the Codex: Dark Angels. I’ve wondered what these new limited edition codexes for Games Workshop’s 6th edition of Warhammer 40K were all about. I missed the Chaos version, limited to 1000 copies worldwide, which was gone before I even knew that a limited edition Codex existed.
Therefore, even though I like to think of myself as more of a “Chaos-player” than a “Dark Angels-player”, I snatched up one of these. Games Workshop doubled the print-run from 1000 to 2000, making it a bit easier to get my hands on a copy. The format, I presume, is the same and will be more or less the template for future limited edition books too.
Long story short: I like the limited edition, but it is over-produced for ‘tough’ gaming.
#1 – Judging the Codex by its Cover

Codex: Dark Angels Limited Edition
The biggest, most obvious difference to the standard hardcover codex is the exterior. Unlike the regular Codex, the hardcover binding does not feature the glossy cover art.
Instead, it has a black cloth-finish imprinted with the Dark Angels chapter’s logo and creed of “Never Forget” (front) and “Never forgive” (back) in silver.
This exclusive limited edition of Codex: Dark Angels is a hugely desirable item. It contains black edging, a black bookmark, a cloth-finish underneath the dust-jacket on which “Never Forget” and “Never Forgive” is inscribed.
The cover art (which is really awesome, even more so in person) instead comes on an added dust-jacket. To my surprise, the dust-jacket is made from a material that seems tougher than most normal dust-jackets you will find on hardcover books (including new Black Library hard-covers, such as my copy of The Flight of the Eisenstein).
It should hold up better to wear and tear than “normal” dust-jackets.
On the other hand. This tough dust-jacket is needed. The black cloth-finish of the actual book, while very nice, is probably the worst possible material ever for any kind of actual use. Every mote of dust, every finger-print, everything (!) leaves a mark on the black cloth, making it truly a display and collectors-item that is better keep away from the gaming table.
#2 – Flicking through the Book

Dark Angels: Limited Edition – Inside Pages
With due deference, I flicked through the book.
Admittedly, the inside is identical (I assume) with the regular codex, save for the black bookmark (see above) and the black edging on the pages (i.e., if you view the closed book from the side – not in the picture).
However, given that even the regular codexes for Warhammer 40K feature glossy full-colour pages now, this certainly does not diminish the overall impression. The production value on these things is spectacular.
I know it’s printed in China, which people tend to throw that in there as if it would in itself devalue the quality. I guess you can get very high quality in China these days, if you know where to go. Western printers beware!
There are lots of great artwork. Not only the full-page spreads, but also little servo-skulls and gothic angel-figures throughout.
Moreover, I noticed that Games Workshop Studio appears to have nicked a few Forge World-style graphics, in particular for the various tanks and heavy armour (see below).

Codex Dark Angels: Land Raiders
Granted, this isn’t “limited-edition specific”, but I really like these small Imperial Armour-inspired profiles, which add that little special flavour of a military-hardware-manual.
If they keep this (I hope they do), I am definitely looking forward to the Tau Empires Codex!
#3 – Certified Limited
Last but not least, there is the official proof that this is indeed a limited edition codex. A small printed page with the official number in a black envelope.
After the confusion with the Limited Edition Chaos Codex, I do hope Games Workshop has this sorted now and I am truly the only person in the world possessing the limited Dark Angels Codex with the number 0131.

Certificate of Authenticity
To be honest, the certificate thing is a bit as daft as it is brilliant, creating a highly artificial “rarity” for the sake of creating a rarity.
But it is, I guess, what gives these books their collectors value (though a real re-sale pro likely wouldn’t tear the shrink-wrap off this beauty)
In summary, the limited edition’s great production value enhances the already sleek new Codex-format from Games Workshop. These codexes are, however, unapologetically made for the “collector” first. It be a pity to actually subject these to gaming duty.
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Painted Warhammer 40K Dark Angel Deathwing Terminator Squad (5) #2

Painted Warhammer 40K Dark Angel Deathwing Terminator Squad (5) #1

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