Crunch Data for Competitive 40K with Torrent of Fire

Torrent of Fire

Are you playing Warhammer 40K tournaments? Or interested in getting more involved in the Warhammer 40K tournament scene?

If so, there’s a rather cool new app (and website!) out there for you: Torrent of Fire!

What Does The Torrent of Fire App Do?

  • The Power of Data

The first part of Torrent of Fire is a concerted effort to build a comprehensive and sortable statistical database that will allow people to look into and investigate the rankings, performances and leader boards of competitive Warhammer 40K on a global scale.

A tour of Torrent of Fire’s statistical database, which launched at the 2013 NOVA Open, reveals some jaw-dropping facts about the strengths and weaknesses of the armies we take to war. Win-loss records, ally effects, objective and kill points scored … all the stats are there for everything from the Tau to the Sisters of Battle, packed into a fluid, sortable database built from the results of actual competitions.

Click on a player’s name and his history pops up—which armies he brought to the tabletop and his performance guiding them. And guess what: Subtle (and not-so-subtle) imbalances and trends are being spotted which should make the serious player do a double-take and re-examine his list before letting slip the dogs of war.

Chances are, if you compete in a major tournament in 2014 and beyond, Torrent of Fire will be the engine that drives it. It does the heavy lifting for organizers, providing a streaming leader board, self-scoring, and automated player tracking. Wondering how that guy at table 12 did? The app will tell you. Want to know which armies are killing it, and which ones are being abandoned in the face of devastating battle results? Ditto.

  • Content & Tips to Compete

If the data is one side of Torrent of Fire, the other is providing content, articles, tips & tricks for people who want to improve their rankings, as well as analysis based on the Warhammer 40K tournament data compiled by Torrent of Fire.

Those who want to hoist trophies on a regular basis never stop with data, and so Torrent of Fire augments the competitive edge by providing expert analysis and advice.

List-building, painting, psychological strategy: If you can use it to trip up your foe, a tip is there for it.

  • It’s Free!

Also, it’s a free app!

It costs nothing to join the ToF revolution, and nothing for organizers to use it to power their events. 

Let me know what you think!

There we go, all the data for seriously competitive Warhammer 40K free for your smartphone.

If you play in the competitive Warhammer 40K tournament scene, or just like playing with tournament statistics, have a look at the Torrent of Fire app and let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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