Privateer Press unveiled a video showing off the latest new Warmachine faction to join the Iron Kingdoms: Convergence of Cyriss. Lots of polished metal, clockwork robots (or, rather, clockwork angels) and a sleek, chrome look. Definitely sexy. Have a look at the pictures and don’t forget to give the video a shot too. It’s definitely well made and far more informative that similar videos by other companies. It gives good insight into the thoughts and ideas behind this new faction!
#1 – Convergence of Cyriss Infantry

Convergence of Cyriss Infantry
#2 – Cyriss Warjacks

Cyriss Warjacks (called Vectors)
#3 – Convergence of Cyriss Artwork

#4 – Clockwork Angels Concept Art

Concept art for Convergence of Cyriss Clockwork Angels
#5 – The Video
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