Like clockwork, Forge World is releasing new stuff every week on Friday.
Curiously, even though they showed-off their upcoming Necron-themed Imperial Armour 12 last week on Forge World’s open day, today’s batch of Forge World releases pivot back to their Horus Heresy line with more Legion Space Marine miniatures.
Also, there’s a crashed Thunderhawk for your Realm of Battles gaming board, if you fancy that.
#1 – Legion Space Marine Destroyers

Legion Space Marine Destroyers
I love the background for these guys and their anathema weapons.
Considered dishonourable by some Legions, who eschew them altogether or make little use of them, the arsenal of a Destroyer squad includes rad-weapons, bio-alchem munitions and the crawling horror of phosphex. These hellish devices, which irrevocably taint the ground upon which they are used, have been forbidden by the Emperor’s own edict, and with good reason.
Death Guard Destroyers feature in the incredibly cool Black Library short story Distant Echos of Old Night by Rob Sanders. It’s nice to see these guys come to miniature-life.
#2 – Legion Rapier
There is the Legion Space Marine Rapier, both as Graviton Cannon and as Quad Heavy Bolter.

Legion Space Marine Rapier Graviton Cannon

Legion Space Marines Rapier Quad Heavy Bolter
I never really saw Space Marines as the type of guys standing behind an artillery piece on a hill in the back. It fits the more “medieval” feel of Horus Heresy armies I s’pose.
#3 – Realm of Battle Crashed Thunderhawk

Crashed Thunderhawk Realm of Battle Terrain Board

Realm of Battle Crashed Thunderhawk Close-up
I don’t think I ever would spend £90.00 on a terrain-tile. If you buy one of those, let me know though. I sure would love to play on terrain like that some time!
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Warhammer 40K - Forge World - Imperial Guard - Death Korps of Krieg - Infantry e

Space Wolf Warhammer 40k Bits, Forge World, Chapter House, Games Day, Enjoy!