Privateer Press released news of their new Convergence of Cyriss faction for Warmachine a few days ago on Temple Con. As a non-WarmaHordes-player, I am picking up some mixed vibes on these from twitter, forums, my blog and elsewhere on the web.
Admittedly, I think introducing a new faction for Warmachine is a tall order. The very cornerstone of its design – Warjacks in every faction – makes it tricky to step outside a certain boundary, risking a certain sameness to all factions, simply due how this basic template they all adhere to.
So here is a simple one!
Scroll through the screens below and let the Privateer Press’ new “Art-Deco” / “Metropolis” design sink in a bit. After that, give me your opinion on the poll below!
#1 – The New Miniatures

Convergence of Cyriss Infantry

Convergence of Cyriss ‘Vector’ Warjacks

Convergence of Cyriss – Leader of the Fritz Lang army

Convergence of Cyriss army
#2 – The Poll: Vote here!

Thanks for voting!