Codex Dark Angels written by.. Jeremy Vetock!

Dark Angels written by Jeremy VetockFor months, rumour mongers have tipped Mat Ward, the author behind the 5th Edition Necron Codex and most 5th Edition Space Marines books, as lead-author for Codex Dark Angels. As Mat Ward is… um… controversial, pre-emptive snark has been on an all-time high across the interwebs. Turns out, Mat Ward wasn’t in it. Codex Dark Angels is written by… Mr. Jeremy Vetock. Who?

Who is Jeremy Vetock?

It seems that the 5th Edition triarchy of Mat Ward, Robin Cruddace and Phil Kelly is at an end. Jeremy Vetock is hardly a new guy at Games Workshop, but if you’re playing Warhammer 40K, not Warhammer Fantasy Battle, you might be forgiven for not having heard (or read) much from Jeremy Vetock yet.

Codex Dark Angels Jeremy Vetock

Who is Jeremy Vetock?

Jeremy Vetock – Games Designer
Jeremy joined Games Workshop in 1990 where he worked on White Dwarf and the Games Workshop website before moving to join the Design Studio in 2004. He has worked on the hobby team, done a stint as manager (don’t worry, he’s better now), and is now part of the Games Development team where his bad dice rolling skills are said to rival even those of Master Jervis Johnson. A lover of complex, ongoing campaigns and random weapon malfunctions charts, Jeremy has worked on the War of the Ring, Warhammer and Warhammer 40,000 rulebooks as well as many army books as he can get his hands on (notably Skaven, Orcs & Goblins and Ogres). He freely admits that any of the bits you like, he probably wrote, while the stuff you found questionable was from ‘some other guy’. Ask him about rule concepts or background, but don’t get him talking about his own armies or he’ll never stop.

Welcome to Warhammer 40K Jeremy! (Though, according to BordGameGeek, he’s had a firm hand in writing Warhammer 40K 6th Edition already).

I am looking forward to reading your first Codex!

Here’s a totally unrelated Warhammer Fantasy video, if you wanna hear Jeremy Vetock speak (hopefully, there will soon by some Warhammer 40K videos of him talking about the Dark Angels Space Marines Codex for Warhammer 6th Edition).

Dark Angels Codex Cover Art

Oh, and here’s the cover art for the Dark Angels Codex. I also added it to yesterdays post about the leaked Dark Angels pictures.

Dark Angels Codex Art

Dark Angels Codex Cover Art

Have you read a Warhammer Army book by Jeremy Vetock? What are your thoughts on this?

Looking forward to hear your opinions. Leave a comment!


Update: Dark Angels are now up for pre-order!
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • Kitsune

    Skaven book had a massive FAQ due to the amount of strangeness in there, but I don’t really remember much else that Vetock did. Not sure if thats a good or bad thing.

    • Zweischneid


      You are right. 9 pages of FAQ/Errata. I thought I’d never see a FAQ top the train-wreck that is the Space Wolves Codex.

      On the other hand, Skaven seems to have been Jeremy’s first book.Ogre Kingdoms FAQ is short and concise.

      • Kitsune

        Hopefully he’s improved, but is this his first 40K book? I do remember the “what….on….earth….” reaction when someone pulled out the Skaven FAQ though.

        • belverker

          he did get better, the Skaven FAQ was so big because he worded some complex rules poorly, normal people could work it out but gamey people could abuse it. Orcs and Goblins and Ogre Kingdoms are much cleaner. so I think he worked on improving his wording.