Dark Angel Pictures leaked from the coming White Dwarf. Enjoy! Lots of Ravenwing goodness, including a flyer, Ravenwing “Black Knights” and the meanest Landspeeder yet. The Deathwing Terminators, however, also look great. Seems like Dark Angels won’t just get a repackaged version of the Dark Vengeance Terminators! Belial also gets a make-over! Take a look at these.
The Leaked Dark Angels Pictures

Dark Angels Codex Cover Art


Deathwing from the White Dwarf Cover

Deathwing Knights

Dark Angels Deathwing Command

Ravenwing Black Knights

Ravenwing Command

Ravenwing Command Banner and Apothecary

Ravenwing Landspeeder

Dark Angels Land Speeder variant

Ravenwing Flyer

Dark Angels Chaplain
Asmondai 11£ 19,25$
Ravenwing Dark Talon 45£ 75$
The new Ravenwing Battleforce 70£ 110$
Ravenwing Command Squad 30£ 50$
Deathwing Command Squad/knights/normal 35£ 50$
Ravenwing Land Speed Vengeance 40£ 65$
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