Dark Angels Pictures Leaked!

Dark Angels Leaked PicturesDark Angel Pictures leaked from the coming White Dwarf. Enjoy! Lots of Ravenwing goodness, including a flyer, Ravenwing “Black Knights” and the meanest Landspeeder yet. The Deathwing Terminators, however, also look great. Seems like Dark Angels won’t just get a repackaged version of the Dark Vengeance Terminators! Belial also gets a make-over! Take a look at these.

Update: Dark Angels are now up for pre-order!
Credit for the pics goes to ZombieDK over at Dakka. Many thanks!

The Leaked Dark Angels Pictures

Dark Angels Codex Cover Art


Deathwing from the White Dwarf Cover

Dark Angels Deathwing Knights

Deathwing Knights

Dark Angels Deathwing Command

Dark Angels Deathwing Command

Ravenwing Black Knights

Dark Angels Ravenwing Commander Leaked Picture

Ravenwing Command

Dark Angels Ravenwing Command Squad Leaked Picture

Ravenwing Command Banner and Apothecary

Ravenwing Landspeeder

Ravenwing Landspeeder

Dark Angels Land Speeder variant

Ravenwing Flyer

Leaked Picture Dark Angels Chaplain

Dark Angels Chaplain

Belial 15£ 22,25$
Asmondai 11£ 19,25$
Ravenwing Dark Talon 45£ 75$
The new Ravenwing Battleforce 70£ 110$
Ravenwing Command Squad 30£ 50$
Deathwing Command Squad/knights/normal 35£ 50$
Ravenwing Land Speed Vengeance 40£ 65$

Let me know what you think. Leave a comment!


Credit for the pics goes to ZombieDK over at Dakka. Many thanks!
Update: Dark Angels are now up for pre-order!
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • Houghten

    I can’t decide whether I love or hate that speeder.

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      It is pretty… unusual, that is certain ;)

      • Egg

        It looks better than the new cousin to the Storm Guppy.

    • http://www.facebook.com/dave.g.king.1 Dave G King

      which one? the raven wing one is poo but the vengance one or whatever it is called is awesome

      • Houghten

        They’re the same kit, or I’ll eat my hat.

      • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

        Yah. The Plasma/Vengeance one looks a bit better.

        But a Landspeeder with half a chapel mounted on the back is just so ludicrously and over-the-top 40K, it’s kinda worth it almost for that :)

  • Adam Johnston

    the speeders look more like looted tau vehicles tbh :s

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid


      Most people seem to have the opposite beef with it, that it’s not sleek and sci-fi enough, taking the “flying catholic altar + pulpit” idea too far, at the expense of a “believable” vehicle.

      • ianlogsdon

        It still is the same tiered multi engine shape as most of the tau vehicles though

  • Nick Reichard

    I love all the new stuff. I think the new land speeders are pretty cool and Im sure they will have some awesome new rules. somethings up with that third guy in the back seat, and the new terminators/bikes awesome.

  • http://profiles.google.com/mph2501 Mark Hofmann

    Those landspeeders are the most awful thing I’ve seen since…. oh there’s the Stormtalon again. Never mind. Ick.

    The rest of the models look great, although the poses are less than dynamic.

  • TommyD

    I love the new skimmers. Looks like something from the heresy