Dark Vengeance: Rumours about GW’s new Starter Box for 6th Edition 40K

Warhammer 40K Dark Angels

Beasts of War just broke the airwaves with some news on the highly anticipated upcoming new starter box for Warhammer 40K. The new set – which will replace Assault on Black Reach – is allegedly named “Dark Vengeance”. As has been anticipated for some time, the box will pitch the Dark Angels against the forces of Chaos (consisting mainly, but not only of Chaos Space Marines).

But that is not all the news. Beasts of War included several juicy bits about the contents of the box for both Chaos and Dark Angels. Rumours being what they are, here is a short summary of what the people at Beasts of War predict will be included:

The Forces for Chaos

  •  Two units of 10 Chaos Cultists. The first armed with autoguns (as well as shotgun & cc-weapon for the leader and a heavy stubber support guy) and the second armed with auto-pistol and cc-weapons (as well as a guy with a flamer)
  • One unit of 6 Chosen, tipped to be elite Chaos Space Marines with power-weapons of various sorts
  • One Chaos Lord armed with a power-sword and a plasma pistol
  • Finally one ‘Hellbrute’, a massive Dreadnought replacement with multi-melta and power-fist

The Dark Angels

  • One squad of 10 Tactical Marines (running a strong plasma-theme from the sergeants plasma-pistol to a supporting plasma cannon)
  • One squad of 5 Terminators (likely Deathwing), with fairly standard armament of stormbolters, power-fists and one assault cannon
  • One squad of  3 Space Marine (Ravenwing) Bikers, again including one with a plasma gun
  • Finally no less than three characters, including Company Master Balthasar, a Dark Angels Librarian and - drum-rolls - a limited edition Chaplain exclusive to the box. Here is what they say about this last special:

…and a limited edition Interrogator Chaplain, who’s Power Armour (including smoking exhaust details) and embellished robe might be the most ostentatious model in the box!

Last but not least, Beasts of War feels confident in putting doubts to rest that the box may not contain a mini-rulebook in the tradition of AoBR. Apparently it does.

I am not sure about you, but that does sound like a pretty fantastic package coming up. A cool Chaplain is always an enticing option (and the reason I headed this article with the fantastic Chaplain art-piece from tacticangel).

As I haven’t bothered to buy a 6th Edition Rulebook yet, this is an enticing option. Do I dare dust off my 40K stuff?


Update: Dark Vengeance have officially released. You can order Dark Vengeance from Wayland Games with a 20% discount. Nice deal, don’t you think?
Update 2: Warhammer 40K Dark Vengeance is here! Are you trying to get it painted? Do you think the starter box is too tough to paint? Vote on my poll!
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.