As expected, Games Workshop’s Advent Calender rolls on. Today, Day 5, is another interesting (and potentially game-changing) release as they release another Dataslate to complement one of their Christmas Bundle Boxes: The Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing.
#1 – Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing

Like a bolt out of war-torn skies comes the Storm Wing – salvation for the Emperor’s forces, and a bane to their foes. The Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing gives Warhammer 40,000 players background information and rules that allow them to collect and field this deadly combination of fighter-craft.
For the Adeptus Astartes to achieve their rapid strike style of warfare, they need to maintain air superiority. Nothing clears the upper atmosphere better than the Adeptus Astartes Storm Wing. Two Stormtalons and a Stormraven Gunship in tight formation can unleash a hail of shot to send enemy fighters spiraling downwards. Rule the skies!
This interactive edition features quick-links to special rules for ease of reference during your games.
#2 – Thoughts?
To be fair, I have no idea what this does yet. Presumably it follows the rules for dataslate formations, meaning it’s not limited to Space Marines and can be allied (without using your allies-contingent) into most armies. If you’ve always wanted to add a Stormraven and two Storm Talons to your army, now’s the chance.
Given the limitations to use “allied transports”, it might be less useful than the Tau Firesupport Cadre. Like the Tau Cadre, it comes with two Special Rules as well: Data Lattice (grants strafing run to the Stormraven, it seems) and Gun Wing (one reserve roll for the entire formation).
Now the wait for the Dataslates for the other Christmas Boxes!