I have to say, this round definitely goes the to rumour-folks. Games Workshop certainly tried to keep this one under wraps (as they try with all things they release). No doubt, the aim was another super-secret release like Crusade of Fire.
Now, Death From the Skies, the flyer supplement for Warhammer 40K is here. It’ll cost you £20.00 for 72 pages, mixing some recycled material from the White Dwarf with (how much?) “exclusive new content”. Apparently, it also uses the dog-fighting rules from Crusade of Fire.
On the plus side, it appears not be be limited in any way. Here is the official description:
Death from the Skies brings the white-knuckle intensity of aerial combat in the 41st Millennium to your tabletop, featuring selected material from White Dwarf magazine, the Crusade of Fire supplement and exclusive new content. Exclusively available from games-workshop.com, this 72-page, full colour softback compendium book is crammed with background information, gaming ideas and hobby inspiration to help you bring the battle for air superiority to life.
It includes: a detailed account of the Battle for Cardrim, featuring White Scars Space Marines, Necrons and Orks locked in a deadly battle for control of a vital airfield; four new Air War missions that showcase the lightning-fast nature of aerial warfare; optional rules for dogfighting and veteran fighter aces for your Warhammer 40,000 games; and a showcase of beautifully painted Flyers from the ‘Eavy Metal collection.
There are rules for using the Stormraven Gunship with a Codex: Space Marines and Black Templars army; updated rules for the range of Warhammer 40,000 Flyer models, including new bestiary and army list entries for the following codexes: Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks and Space Marines.
Please note: Death from the Skies is available in English language only.
Are you interested? Do you think Death From The Skies will add to your Warhammer 40K game?
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Update: As pointed out by Faeit212, there have also been updates to several Codex FAQ:
Q: Land Speeder Storms, Stormraven Gunships and
Stormtalon Gunships are all listed as Space Marine vehicles
in the Reference section. Does this mean that every Space
Marine Chapter now has access to these vehicles as well (i.e.
Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Grey Knights etc.)? (p411)A: No – you may only select units and vehicles that are
available in the army list section of your codex. The two
exceptions are the Stormtalon and Stormraven Gunships,
which are only available to armies chosen from Codex:
Space Marines and Codex: Black Templars. The rules for these
Flyers can be found in the Death From the Skies
compendium.White Dwarf June 2012 (WD390)
Updated rules for the Ork Dakkajet, Burna-bommer and Blitzabommer can be found in the Death From the Skies compendium
Warhammer 40k (non gw/forgeworld model) death guard primarch mortarion

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