Modest Magic’s Demon Cliff Project (on eBay)

Modest Magic TerrainI am really growing a new appreciation for eBay and some of the cool things you can find there between all those bitz-hawkers, if you are looking in the right places. The Malifaux charity auction I talked about yesterday is a good example. The very impressive Demon Cliff Terrain project by Modest Magic is clearly another. This is a truly stunning piece of terrain that will surely take any game to a whole new level.

Who are Modest Magic?

Modest Magic are a young US start-up that hit the scene (via Kickstarter, how else?) with a set of modular system to build medieval/fantasy castles, either as wargaming terrain or as a modelling project on its own.

Modular Castle

A castle build from the modular system by Modest Magic

The Demon Cliff Project

Now that castle-system is pretty cool, if a bit more on the technical side. Now, Modest Magic upped the ante making a more thematic terrain piece: the Demon Cliff Project. Here is what Modest Magic has to say about it:

This is a custom piece that will have the two statues facing each other and holding a bridge between them that spans a valley. The unique part is that the mountain behind them will be hollow, allowing for players to move inside and through the various levels of dungeons.

Have a look at the (second) video on the project below:

Have a full look of the Demon Cliff project now on eBay (as well of a version of their castle system).

Modest Magic Demon Cliffs Terrain

I don’t really play fantasy as much as I would, maybe. This may change next year with upcoming fantasy games like Paolo Parente’s Anastyr or CMON’s Wrath of Kings. A table with spectacular terrain like that would certainly elevate games like these to a whole new level (yeah, I am repeating myself!).


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at