I am really growing a new appreciation for eBay and some of the cool things you can find there between all those bitz-hawkers, if you are looking in the right places. The Malifaux charity auction I talked about yesterday is a good example. The very impressive Demon Cliff Terrain project by Modest Magic is clearly another. This is a truly stunning piece of terrain that will surely take any game to a whole new level.
Who are Modest Magic?
Modest Magic are a young US start-up that hit the scene (via Kickstarter, how else?) with a set of modular system to build medieval/fantasy castles, either as wargaming terrain or as a modelling project on its own.

A castle build from the modular system by Modest Magic
The Demon Cliff Project
Now that castle-system is pretty cool, if a bit more on the technical side. Now, Modest Magic upped the ante making a more thematic terrain piece: the Demon Cliff Project. Here is what Modest Magic has to say about it:
This is a custom piece that will have the two statues facing each other and holding a bridge between them that spans a valley. The unique part is that the mountain behind them will be hollow, allowing for players to move inside and through the various levels of dungeons.
Have a look at the (second) video on the project below:
Have a full look of the Demon Cliff project now on eBay (as well of a version of their castle system).
I don’t really play fantasy as much as I would, maybe. This may change next year with upcoming fantasy games like Paolo Parente’s Anastyr or CMON’s Wrath of Kings. A table with spectacular terrain like that would certainly elevate games like these to a whole new level (yeah, I am repeating myself!).