More Eldar rumours floating about the Warhammer 40K blog-o-sphere.
If a recent Reddit-post by a (self-proclaimed) GW-employer is correct, the new 6th Edition Eldar should go up for pre-order on Saturday the 25th, less than two weeks from now.
Another, more curious rumour has been floated by Bell of Lost Souls. Curious, because it gives two mutually exclusive versions on how the new Codex will treat the Eldar Shuriken weaponry.
Only one (or none) can be right. Have a look yourself!
#1 – BOLS Eldar Shuriken Rumours
From BoLS:
Word has reached us of two divergent schools of though for the latest codex shuriken family, and the jury is still out on which one was ultimately selected. Both are highly divergent from the short-ranged 12″ S:4 AP:5 Assault 2 weapon we have now (oh those poor, poor Guardians). Here we go folks:
OPTION A: The Bane of Flesh
Shuriken Pistol 12″ S:4 AP5 Pistol, Fleshbane
Shuriken Catapult 18″ S:4 AP5 Assault 2, Fleshbane
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24″ S:4 AP:5 Assault 2, Fleshbane
Shuriken Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, Fleshbane
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Assault 3, Fleshbane, Poison(4+), PinningOPTION B: The Rain of Shuriken
Shuriken Pistol 12″ S:4 AP5 Pistol
Shuriken Catapult 18″ S:4 AP5 Salvo2/4
Dire Avenger Shuriken Catapult 24″ S:4 AP:5 Salvo 2/4
Shuriken Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6
Shuriken Shreiker Cannon 24″ S:6 AP:5 Salvo 3/6, Poison(4+), Pinning
#2 – The Coming of the Eldar
Anyone willing to make a wager which of these two options (if any) it will be?
Fleshbane (wounding on a 2+) sounds fishy to me, especially combined (!) with Poison. Whatever the case may be, both “versions” seem to agree that Shuriken Catapults get a boost in range.
What do you think?
I would love to hear your thoughts on these interweb-whispers!
Warhammer 40k Dark Eldar

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