February Warriors of Chaos Pictures Leaked

Another White Dwarf leak. It appears that February will see a release for Warhammer Fantasy Battle’s Warriors of Chaos, hot on the heels of the miniatures released in November last year. Take a look at these beauties coming to a Fantasy table near you!

#1 – A Massive Monster.. or Two!

Warriors of Chaos release

A red monstrosity!

And what looks to be its companion build from the same kit in all its tentacly glory!

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Monster

Warriors of Chaos Monster

#2 – Dragon Ogres

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Dragon Ogres

Warriors of Chaos Dragon Ogres

#3 – Warriors of Chaos Chariot

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Chariot 1

Warriors of Chaos Chariot Variant 1

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Chariot

Warriors of Chaos Chariot Variant 2

#4 – Champions of Chaos

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Champion

A Warriors of Chaos Champion

Much better picture of the second variant of this Champion (or Lord?)

Warhammer Fantasy Warriors of Chaos Champion

Warriors of Chaos Champion Variant 2

 #5 – Troll Champion (?)

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Warriors of Chaos Troll

A Warriors of Chaos Champion or Hero (Troll?)

#6 – Warriors of Chaos Infantry

And last but not least, an (admittedly blurry) pic of a new infantry unit for Warriors of Chaos!

Warriors of Chaos Warhammer Fantasy Battle

Warriors of Chaos Reinforcements

Certainly interesting times ahead for Fantasy players.

What do you think?

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About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    Yay some Fantasy chaos that looks like the chaos I fell in love with all those years ago.
    Just a note the 2 chaos lords are separate kits, the first is a special character.
    But I must shed a tear for the old Dragon ogres and chaos chariot, I never thought they would be updated, they always seemed to be left…
    Not entirely sold on the chariot variant (the one with the beast) but I had already converted my chariots to be pulled by Juggernaughts so looks like I have that option covered any way ;-) but I love the rest of the models…pity I can’t really afford them at the moment…so will probably just pick up the book…and maybe the dragon ogres on release…

  • orlando the technicoloured

    I don’t generally but GW stuff (as I don’t play it any more), but the tentacly varient of the monster might have to be bought as a display piece (depending on size)

    • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

      it looks to be either on a 100×100 or 100 x 50 mm base so pretty big.

  • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

    Wow. Never would have thought to see people coming out of the woodwork to buy GW for “display”-purposes first :0

  • Sean Parker

    Isnt that last picture Forsaken?

    • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

      they sure, hopefully they will be useful now…

  • Jim Bowen

    Nice not sold on all of it yet just hope the chaos lord is a plastic miniature and not fine cast
    Really like the monstrous creatures and the new dragon ogres

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Well. The Chariot will most definitely be plastic. If all else fails, I presume one could build some nice Chaos Lords from that kit.