First White Dwarf Pictures for The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Miniatures

The Hobbit White Dwarf PicturesIt is time! Yesterday I posted some pictures of Radagast. Since then, I’ve been told that those have been around for some time. But now the first pictures and scans of the new White Dwarf have finally appeared (a mere 2 days before the official release). Have a look at all this Hobbit Miniature goodness. Then decide if they’re worth the price Games Workshop is asking.

Leaked White Dwarf Pictures for The Hobbit Strategy Game

Games Workshop The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 1

Games Workshop The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 2

Games Workshop The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 2a

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 3

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 4

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 5

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 6

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 7

Games Workshop The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 8

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 9

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 10

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 11

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 12

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 13

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 14

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 15

White Dwarf The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game Pictures 15

Whew! That’s all folks.

Let me know what you think. Leave a comment!


Advertisement: The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game is now available for pre-orders from Wayland Games. Save 10% on the new products, including the Limited Edition Escape from Goblin Town Set!

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About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • belverker

    They look alright (well they look like the movie stills I have seen) and you get a lot in the main box including terrain (about time it was added back) it is $205AUD as well. very high for a starter, will be interested in how well it sells here.

    • Zweischneid

      Are you sure there is terrain in the starter? The leaked list only mentions 56 miniatures, as well as listing a separate Goblin Town Terrain Set:

      The miniatures… yah. They are the copy of the movie and, for the “good guy” we’ve known how they’ll look.

      Haven’t seen real “visuals” for the evil guys (e.g. things like the Goblin King are presumably why New Line is keeping it close to their chest), though Lego has lots of stuff out that gives a rough impression, including Mirkwood which is probably farther off from GW:

      That said, I don’t think I quite like the “naked” Goblins (not GW’s fault though). I’d have preferred something with a bit more armour, metal-weapons, bows, etc.. .

      • belverker

        yep there is terrain, some walkways and stuff for Goblin town looks to be an alright amount as well.
        Yeah the baddie designs aren’t the greatest which is a bit disappointing but unfortunately not GW’s fault. I am just happy it wasn’t another Chaos release as my funds are very low and I still don’t have a Maulerfiend ;-)

        • Zweischneid

          Hehe. That’s one way to look at it ;)

          But yeah. Seeing terrain in the box is a good thing. A pity they didn’t add some chaosy stuff to Dark Vengeance

  • Rocco Davis

    I have to say, having flicked through the WD last night….yeah. The price of the set is ridiculously dear. The pricing in general for the LOTR/Hobbit stuff is ridiculous anyhow – the White Council is over £30 and the plastic Fellowship from the Mines of Moria box? They’re going to be selling that at £30+ too. That’s right, 7 single part, single pose plastic models and 2 2-part, single pose plastic models for £30. It’s ridiculous.