I recently neglected Forge World a bit (with the exception of Lorgar). Time to make up.
For one, there’s some new, gritty Iron Hands Space Marines… the Immortals. For another, an intriguing jigsaw preview, that is almost certainly going to end up a Horus Heresy name of some kind.
#1 – Iron Hands Medusan Immortals
For those Iron Hands who have been found wanting in the eyes of their Primarch, there remains a final chance at glory and redemption within the ranks of the Medusan Immortals.
The Immortals are always found where the battle is fiercest and the chances of survival, even for an Legiones Astartes, are at its dimmest. Armed and armoured principally as Breacher units and featuring a high level of cybernetic rebuild among them, it is their lot and their pride to fight and to die with steadfast cold fury, never breaking ranks, marching relentlessly into the jaws of Hell.
There is no doubt that Forge World knows how to sculpt some fine Space Marines these days! These Immortals come at £36.00 for 5.
#2 – Forge World Jigsaw
For those who like riddles, Forge World is teasing another new miniature with a three-part jigsaw puzzle. So far, there is the base, which looks as if it could fit into the Horus Heresy Iron Warriors theme as well. Or it could be something completely different.
The base is kinda odd by itself, unless, of course, it fits into a scenic base similar to Forge World’s previous Horus Heresy Characters Series (Primarchs, but also Loken, Erebus, etc..).
#3 – Thoughts?
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I would love to hear your guesses on the jigsaw!