Forge World’s New Massive Tau XV107 Battlesuit

Forge World news! And it’s not even new Horus Heresy Space Marines for a change.

Forge World will be releasing a new Tau Battlesuit for the upcoming UK Games Day 2013. It looks like a huge kit, a Forge World take on something akin to the XV104 Riptide (and it looks like it uses the Riptide as a basis for a hybrid kit): The Tau XV107 R’Varna Battlesuit.

It’s priced at £70.- (like to the Limited Edition Codex I was just writing about, curiously enough).

Many thanks to for the heads-up!

#1 – The Tau XV107 R’Varna Battlesuit

Tau XV107 Battlesuit

Tau XV107 Battlesuit Forge World

Tau XV107 Riptide Variant

Tau XV107 R'varna close-up

#2 – Thoughts?


The small head a lot of people were complaining about is gone, replaced by a blocky… not-head! Weapons are larger (can’t ever have weapons too large, right!).

What do you think? Better than Games Workshop’s Riptide? Or worse?

Let me know in the comments!



Forge World’s XV107 Battlesuit is now available for pre-orders.

Forge World Tau XV107 Battlesuit



I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


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  • kaptinscuzgob

    i really like the style of the not-head box

  • Badgerboy1977

    Equally as good in my opinion, they’re both excellent models and if I didn’t have a ton of marines to paint I’d be getting them both.

  • Bobthemim

    It is much better but begs the question of why this and not Morty or Horus or any other primarchs..

    • Zweischneid

      Well. It says this is Games Day Preview One. Presumably there will be a Games Day Preview Two (and three? and four?, etc..):

      I don’t think those two are in the book however, Horus especially.

      Rumours have it that the next Primarch will be Ferrus Manus – sculpted to make a complement to the Fulgrim miniature for a little duel-diorama.

      The EC/Iron Hands double releases recently also make me think that FW will be doing an EC-Iron Hands themed table on Games Day:

      • Bobthemim

        I know Ferrus is next.. he has been finished since the FW open day a month or so ago.

        Morty was /meant/ to come out before gd.. seems they pushed it in favour of this unneeded Tau Riptide variant.

        • Zweischneid

          Oh ok. The “Morty” part is new to me ;)

          • Bobthemim

            around feb the people at fw during BL open day said they are starting on Morty.

            yet here we are with Ferrus and Pacific Rimtide

        • Zweischneid

          As for unneeded, I can’t help feeling that some FW-sculptor needed to get a bit of Pacific Rim out of his system on this one.

          Might just be me though ;)

  • Panagiotis Galanis

    I love this design as much as GW’s Riptide. I will certainly get at least one of these fellows as I am a big admirer of the designer -regardless of game mechanics.

    Also, I can’t shake the feeling that we are seeing a HS slot here and not an elite. Perhaps we witness a titan robot list in the making here :)

    • Zweischneid

      Possibly. It seem to be missing the large Riptide Jumppack (or at least have a smaller central one). It may well be a “normal” MC, not a Jetpack one.

      Add to that big guns and perhaps more armour/T and you could be spot-on.

      • Panagiotis Galanis

        If we take into account the extract from the FW account:

        development of the Riptide, the R’Varna sacrifices mobility for
        heavier armour and increased firepower in the form of two pulse
        submunition cannon.”

        Perhaps we can deduce that this is an approximation of the broadside equivalent of what is the riptide to the regular crisis suits. What really got me there is how the armour can be even better… it is a bit interesting.

        • Zweischneid

          Higher Toughness?

          Not exactly armour.. but hey.

          Or, obviously, a fixed inv. save without a Nova

  • NagaBaboon

    Riiiiiiiight. Hmm. I know the old head wasn’t popular but I’m really not convinced that one is the answer.

  • C AJ Segger

    I wonder if the weapons are heavy versions of the phased ion accelerators on the battlesuit in the photo?

  • ImPaled

    The Head is much better as the little one from the GW Kit. Fw focused on the look on the Ghost Suits, and that looks much better as this tiny head

  • Zweischneid

    With the that paint-job, it’s definitely growing on me ;)