After Games Workshop’s Dark Elf teaser trailer yesterday, the latest White Dwarf appears to have made it into the houses of the first few people, and people are scanning away happily.
These blogs are sharing their impression from the new Dark Elf-themed White Dwarf:
- LilLegend Studio
- 40K Warzone
- Blue Table Painting
- and Facebook, of course!
- Dark Elves Blog (better pics)
Does that still qualify as a “leak”?
I don’t really think so, as it’s basically the regular shipping of the White Dwarf at this point.
Still interesting to look at!
Games Workshop October Releases
It’s Green!
Admittedly, the pictures aren’t that great, I believe (quality-wise, not content-wise). The thing that surprised me most was the strong reptilian green theme Games Workshop is giving them.
True, Dark Elves always had Hydras and scaly cloaks, but this release seems to take that theme to a whole new level!
Or what do you think?
If you’ve had a chance to take a peak at the new Warhammer Fantasy Dark Elves, leave a comment and share your opinion!