“Grey Knights” Teaser by The Lord Inquisitor

Lord Inquisitor

An unexpected treat for a Sunday evening. A new teaser-trailer from The Lord Inquisitor, titled “Grey Knights”.

Grimdark gothic at its finest! Enjoy…

“Grey Knights” Teaser

Another insight of The Lord Inquisitor project created and directed by Erasmus Brosdau. This teaser shows a glimpse of the space marines called “Grey Knights”, whihc will have an important role in the full movie.


Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.
Alan and Michael Perry Allegedly Left Games Workshop http://t.co/W3tidfy5Ti #40k #wfb #rumormill #wargaming #warmongers - 11 hours ago
  • Bobthemim

    GW needs to hire him to make teaser trailers.

    If i saw that and a “Coming September”, i’d be super excited to get the update.

    instead they release teasers that are hinting at what is being released, despite the 70% of their target audiences knowing weeks ahead of time.

  • Hive Senteniel

    I…wow I really can’t say anything other than this is going to be awesome. It’s nice to see a lesser known chapter get some screen-time. The Ultramarines movie was cool but I found the story to be a bit bland and generic. This on the other hand looks like it has some SERIOUS POTENIAL. I hope we’ll see a valid villain with some character this time (not snarling Chaos Marines that yelled out cliché lines), something like Nemeroth or better Eliphas or a neat Daemon Prince/ Greater Daemon.

  • Callum

    It was good until the music and over dramatic voice over kicked in. I’m still looking forward to it though, as I have a massive soft spot of Grey Knights.