The surprise was a bit spoiled as the price appeared in a list leaked shortly before the Space Marines Codex was revealed. But it is here now: Games Workshop’s “one-click-collect-an-entire-Space-Marines-Chapter” bundle deal!
We proudly present our most ambitious collection ever! Nearly 1,200 Space Marine models representing the Ultramarines as deployed at the Battle of Orar’s Sepulchre 888.M41. Marneus Calgar leads his entire chapter against the perfidious Eldar of the Iyanden and Alaitoc Craftworlds.
Is it a mad marketing stunt? Of course.
It is still fun to click through the think, even if you don’t intend to add it to your shopping-cart, as a wiki-style visualization of how the Ultramarines Chapter is organized.
They did include pictures of the 10 companies of the Ultramarines Chapter as they were fielded at this point in time fighting the Eldar. The images put all the new units, from Stormtalons to Centurions to Hunter and Stalker tanks, into the Chapters’ organisations.
Pretty cool!
2nd Company
9th Company
Over 1200 Space Marine models for £7,065.00!
Are there any savings? Probably not. I haven’t done the math, but as it is more a marketing gag than anything else, I doubt it (and if you bought one and think differently, let me know!).