Hero Forge Kickstarts Custom 3D Printed Miniatures

HeroForge 3D Printed Miniatures

3D Printing is rapidly becoming a far more readily available and affordable technology. For a while now, speculations and forecasts have been going around on how 3D Printing with change the tabletop wargaming world. The implications seem obvious, but so far, nobody has truly cracked the secret of making 3D-printed tabletop miniatures fly for a larger market.

Hero Forge from California is on Kickstarter to change that and bring fully customisable 3D-printed tabletop miniatures to the world. The true revolution there might not even be the 3D-printing, but an easy-to-use and intuitive online User-Interface.

#1 – Hero Forge Kickstarter

Hero Forge 3D Printed Miniatures Kickstarter

Hero Forge is a service that lets you design custom tabletop minis, have them 3D printed, and delivered right to your doorstep. By using a sophisticated parts system and web UI, we’re bringing the flexibility, ease, and control of a robust video game character creator to the tabletop.

#2 – Thoughts?

Hero Forge Kickstarter Painted Miniatures

The entire project looks very well prepared and has a great, professional look to it. The Kickstarter is off to a flying start with some 15.000 USD in the first few hours.

Like similar projects, the goal is comparatively high though, presumably due to the nature of the entire enterprise.

The pledge-level for a single customizable 28mm to 30 mm character in the higher made-for-painting quality is USD 30,-, which is still way up there with the most boutique resin miniatures on the market.

What do you think?

  • Are custom 3D-printed miniatures something you’d be interested in?
  • Is there a miniature (or several) you would want to design and order, 3D-printed, through this kind of service?
  • What would be your main priorities or concerns?

Leave a comment and let me know what you think!


The Hero Forge Kickstarter campain will end on Monday Feb 17, 11:00pm EST.


I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Forge World Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider http://t.co/30BbbNYhFu #40k #wargaming #tanks - 12 hours ago
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  • Ruska

    I would be interested in 3D printed models, if the detail is high enough and the price isn’t prohibitive. $30 for one 28mm figure is a bit steep but not unreasonable, especially when you consider that this will be for extra special character pieces and not rank and file troops. I’m not sure if I’ll be backing this one, although I am interested in the outcome. There have been several attempts on Kickstarter to do custom printed miniatures, and this looks more promising than many of the other ones that I’ve looked at.

  • Minimaker

    Shapeways? If so, this may not be the best KS if you have high expectations. My experience with Sahpeways for 28mm Mini prints was horrid. even with the ultra detail it has too many steps (build layers) in the print surface and the quality control was awful. Sent me a mini with a half formed head and called it good. I had to chase them up for a refund.

    Your mirage may vary?