10 Leaked Pictures for the new High Elves!

Wow. What a day!

Two high-quality pictures from the new Warhammer Fantasy Battle Army Book for High Elves were leaked through a GW-store Facebook page some time ago.

Now, more “conventional” White Dwarf scans have appeared on Warseer.

Some really interesting kits… and a big release by the look of it. Enjoy!

#1 – The Flying Chariot!

First up, it’s a flying chariot!

Warhammer Fantasy Battle High Elves Pictures Sky Chariot

Warhammer Fantasy High Elves Sky Chariot Battle

#2 – Phoenix and Eagle Rider

This looks like another double-kit for a flying unit… one with a Hero or general, and one for a Phoenix in full flame!

Warhammer Fantasy High Elf General on Phoenix

High Elves Army with Burning Phoenix

#3 – Heroes and Leaders

Several Heroes, Lords and Leaders. Some of them might be form a command group though.

Warhammer Fantasy High Elf Leader

Warhammer Fantasy High Elves Everqueen


Warhammer Fantasy High Elf Hero

Warhammer Fantasy High Elves Leaked

#4 – High Elf Regiments

Shadow Warriors and Maiden Guard? You decide!

Warhammer Fantasy New High Elves Shadow Warriors

Warhammer Fantasy High Elves Maiden Guard

#5 – Your Thoughts?


A massive picture post.

Let me  know what you think of the new sons and daughters of Ulthuan!



Warhammer Fantasy 25mm QBS Painted High Elf Horse Chariot

Warhammer Fantasy 25mm QBS Painted High Elf Horse Chariot
Current price:
Ends in:
0d 3h 18m
Click here!
Seller: eBay

25mm Warhammer Fantasy MCW painted High Elf Sword Masters x5 HE017

25mm Warhammer Fantasy MCW painted High Elf Sword Masters x5 HE017
Current price:
Ends in:
0d 5h 8m
Click here!
Seller: eBay
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.

  • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

    looks good, the one under the everqueen must be the plastic hero model. The maiden guard are ace and the everqueen is cool too

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Yeah. I guess so. Running pose balancing on just one ankle would be tough for finecast. Let’s hope so.

      Maiden Guard are getting some bad flack for the “manga-style” flaming bows on Dakka. But I like them.

      • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

        yeah they look good, mustn’t be too manga as i usually can’t stand that style, also the syandard bearer on foot is plastic as he is from the eagle chariot kit. Compare him to the front rider

        • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

          Good spot.

          I envy your eye on these things (same with the Cadre Fireblade!)

          • http://twitter.com/belverker belverker

            haha, i’ve clearly been into the hobby too long :-P

  • Yorek

    awesome forum man!

    • http://pinsofwar.net/ Zweischneid

      Many thanks ;)