Hobbit Strategy Game Arrives November 24th

Games Workshop The Hobbit Strategy GameGames Workshop sure is trying hard to pack as little information as possible into their teaser videos. It’s amazing how little you can say in 20 seconds. But for all that, today’s blog post by Games Workshop gave the official date for the launch of (the marketing for) the Hobbit Strategy Game: November 24th 2012 (i.e. next Saturday). Predictably, the Hobbit will dominate the next White Dwarf.

The Hobbit Strategy Game Teaser Trailer

Here is the “news” from Games Workshop’s blog:

The time has come to pack your bags and ready your weapons for an adventure of epic proportions. Ever since we featured a picture of the characters from The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in White Dwarf earlier this year, we’ve had eager hobbyists asking us whether we’ll be making miniatures to go along with the movie. Today’s video certainly suggests that we will be and that there’s only five days before you get to see what’s coming out.

Without giving the game away too much, you’ll be able to find out more about The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Strategy Battle Game in December’s issue of White Dwarf, which will be out on Saturday. In the meantime, make sure you keep up-to-date with all the latest movie news on thehobbitblog.com and keep an eye on White Dwarf Daily as we begin our journey into the dark depths of Middle-earth.

Here’s the trailer.

That is… um … minimalism, I guess. Well, we’ll just watch the latest trailer for the movie instead and hope for the best as far as the game goes!

I guess there are very few people who are not looking forward to the movie. But are you looking forward to the new Hobbit game from Games Workshop? Did you play their Lord of the Rings Game?

I’d love to hear your opinion. Leave a comment!


Advertisement: The Hobbit Strategy Battle Game is now available for pre-orders from Wayland Games. Save 10% on the new products, including the Limited Edition Escape from Goblin Town Set!
About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.