Emperor’s Children Phoenix Guard Terminators

Forge World is treating us with a special gift this Friday. I would’ve expected them to release some of the Word Bearer Space Marines previewed in the most recent White Dwarf. Instead, the elite Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children take the battlefield!

The Phoenix Guard featured in the novel Fulgrim. Given how closely Forge World follows the Black Library material, their appearance as miniatures was likely only a question of time.

More recently, the Phoenix Terminators were previewed on a Forge World seminar.

Seeing them finally in all their purple glory is quite a sight!

#1 – Phoenix Guard Terminators

Forge World Phoenix Guard Terminators

Taking inspiration and title from the legendary bird of ancient Terran myth, the Phoenix Guard of the Emperor’s Children formed an elite cadre within the Legion, serving primarily as the Primarch Fulgrim’s personal retinue. On the field of battle, the Phoenix Guard were storied as providing an impenetrable ring of courage and steel, barring the approach of any enemy who dared challenge their Primarch. They fought in many spheres of battle, from lightning-swift assault forces to veteran tactical units, but it was their Terminators who were most feared, their martial skill all but unmatched across the Legions.

Terminator Armour Horus Heresy Emperor's Children

The Phoenix Guard Terminators cost £45.00.

#2 – Iron Hands Contemptor Dreadnought

Alongside the Phoenix Guard Terminators, Forge World also releases a Iron Hands Contemptor.

Iron Hands Contemptor Dread

The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought was once a mainstay of the armoured might of the Astartes Legions of old. Larger and stronger than standard pattern Dreadnoughts, the Contemptor’s systems featured many examples of techno-arcana steeped in the sacred mysteries of the Legio Cybernetica. Some chapters still boast these war relics amongst their ranks, and whenever the Contemptor takes to the field of battle, it is an echo of the power of ancient days.

The Iron Hands Contemptor Dread costs £33.00.

#3 – Another Primarch for Games Day?

Now, the Contemptor is.. well.. a Contemptor. You’ve seen them.

More than the miniature itself, I love the mix-up of Emperor’s Children and Iron Hands, which may or may not be heralding a Forge World diorama for this year’s UK Games Day – of similar scale to last year’s World Eater diorama – that will pitch Emperor’s Children, led by Fulgrim, against the Iron Hands Space Marines in their most iconic Horus Heresy battle of these two … Legions.



What do you think?

Leave a comment and let me know!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


Unboxing the Star Wars X-Wing Miniatures Game http://t.co/1EyUREFFqW #wargaming #starwars - 2 days ago
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  • thorfinskullsplitter1

    only once in the novel fulgrim did the PG wear terminator armor, any other reference had them in PA with long cloaks and winged helmets..instead we get more TA, which is fine I guess since the models look great but I really want more EC power armor.

    • Bobthemim

      well these exist


  • Hive Senteniel

    Does anyone notice else think the IH dreadnought looks like a beefy Robo-cop? XD