Horus Heresy Land Speeders and Whirlwind

Friday it is. Like clockwork, Forge World reveals another set of new miniatures. I have to admit though, this weeks addition to their Horus Herey line is a special treat: The Legion Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius adds a cool twist to one of the most classic Space Marine tanks. The Legion Javelin Attack Speeder, however, is easily the true highlight of this release.

#1 – Legion Javelin Attack Speeder

Larger and more heavily armoured than the common pattern of Land Speeder, the Javelin Attack Speeder is a nigh-irreplaceable relic of a bygone age of technological mastery. Gravitic nullification plates, the secret of whose production and maintenance have long since been lost, allow the Javelin to mount an array of heavy weaponry more akin to a heavy tank destroyer than a nimble Land Speeder, allowing them to make pinpoint strikes on enemy armour or infantry with devastating lascannon or missile barrage. Those Chapters of Space Marines whose histories stretch back into the grim days of the Imperium’s founding may, if they are fortunate, still possess a few justly revered Javelins within the sanctified depths of their armouries.

Legion Horus Heresy Attack Land Speeder Space Marines

Legion Attack Speeder Size Comparison

The Legion Javelin Attack Speeder costs £52.00.

#2 – Legion Javelin Attack Speeder with Lascannon

Legion Attack Speeder with Lascannons Horus Heresy

The Legion Javelin Attack Speeder with Lascannon also costs £52.00.

#3 - Legion Deimos Pattern Whirlwind Scorpius

An ancient variant of the more common Whirlwind missile tank, the Scorpius was designed with a single purpose in mind – the destruction of heavily armoured infantry. The Scorpius variant replaces the Whirlwind’s multiple missile launcher system with the intricate drum-fed scorpius launcher, whose implosive warheads are devastating to armoured infantry and light vehicles. The Whirlwind Scorpius’ origins lie in the dark days of the first inter-Legion civil war and, in more recent times, it has become an all but forgotten relic amongst some Chapters as the ability to manufacture its complex munitions has become a forgotten art, but for other Chapters it still remains a potent weapon of war.

Legion Horus Heresy Space Marines Whirlwind Tank

The “cheapest” of the bunch, the Whirlwind Scorpius costs £49.50.

What do you think? Is there more room for Space Marine goodies in your hobby?

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I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at www.pinsofwar.net.


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  • http://www.flickr.com/photos/9360674@N04/sets/72157600510023664/ BrassScorpion

    The Land Speeders are terrific. All the stuff looks really cool, but I got a Space Marine Fellblade this year and that’s enough over priced crazy Forge World to last me for a while. Besides, my backlog on regular GW product is enormous and I have the two new Apocalypse models to work on as well. It would be a bad choice for me in both time and money to buy this new FW stuff.

    However, a more general answer to your question would be yes because there’s always more room for more Space Marine goodies! Cool as this FW stuff is I’m even more interested to see what totally new GW kits and new unit types will be coming with the new Codex Space Marines whenever that is released.

  • wibbling

    While not cheap, the models are really quite lovely.

    If I could, I’d buy bucket loads. As I can’t, I’ll just have to hope. Besides, I can’t paint for toffee. I’d muck it up so will stick to buying the books.