Imperial Knight Lancer vs. Warmachine Controversy


I know this discussion was around during the original release of the Imperial Knight. Despite – obviously – harking back to the classic 1980s miniatures from Games Workshop, dyed-in-the-wool Warmachine fans often said the Imperial Knight’s new and modern designed owed as much to Privateer Press (founded in 2000) iconic Warjack designs, than it does to GW’s own original Epic Miniatures.

Now the debate is back with a vengeance.

#1 – The Imperial Knight Lancer Now and Then!

imperial knight lancer painted

Imperial Knight Lancer

Imperial Knight Lancer


Imperial Knight Lancer

#2 – Thoughts?

Justified? Coincidence? Similarities of generic design elements in making feudal/medieval “knight-robots”?

Let me know what you think!




I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Hopeless painter and founder of Pins of War. I hope you enjoyed this article. Don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at


40K - 2014, Adepticon, Crystal Brush, Diorama, Grots - Uzbek's Garage #40k - 8 hours ago
Follow @pinsofwar


  • Aaron Alexander

    I’d like to know which people were saying that. I frequent several Wargaming forums, and haven’t seen any such discussion. I hope my response here isn’t too “dyed-in-the-wool”.

    • David Jackson

      I think if you dig around, you’ll find that nobody is saying that.

    • belverker

      I haven’t heard it about this version either, heard it alot when the knight released

    • John K.

      Dakkadakka is one

      Also so it in the BOLS comments

      But it was certainly more hotly debated (because it was more controversial) with the original Knight.

    • Zweischneid

      Yeah. Dakkadakka. Also Beasts of War

      But possibly I am overstating the problem? If so, all the better.

  • Krappklaus

    Oddly enough, when Warmachine first came out I considered using the Warjacks as proxies for Epic titans because they pretty much looked like they would fit in just fine and were a bit cheaper…

  • Will Kenedy

    When I first saw PP’s Cygnar jacks (the light lancer) I was more reminded of a steam powered robot from a 2000AD story from the 90s – before I saw anything about epic in it. Armoured Gideon, the story was called – it was insane.
    There’s only so much you can do with steam powered robots.

  • lucidum

    PPC hardly has the monopoly on swooping, overarching armor plates and gigantic pauldrons. While we’re at it we might as well accuse World of Warcraft of stealing their look as well. I mean, yeah there’s a few similarities here and there, but the aesthetic is different enough that it’s definitely not image-theft.