Inbox: God of Battles Launch at Foundry Open Day

I received a bit of wargaming news from one of my blog’s readers via my Contact Form this morning. God of Battles, a new fantasy miniatures game by Jake Thornton (a.k.a. Quirkworthy of DreadBall fame), is launching this weekend in Nottingham at the Wargames Foundry‘s Open Day.

From Matt Alard via my Contact Form.


God of Battles is Jake Thornton’s new fantasy wargaming rules, in which players command armies of model soldiers to battle against each other across Aren’s troubled lands.

Jake is the author of our own Tribes of Legend, as well as having written Dreadball, Dwarf King’s Hold and Project Pandora for Mantic Games. Jake has done design work for Warhammer 6th edition, managed Blood Bowl, Necromunda and Mordheim and was the editor for White Dwarf for two years.

The book has over 285 full colour pages, weighs over 3.2 lbs. and contains hundreds of exquisite Kevin Dallimore photos.

God of Battles

We are holding the book launch on the 1st and 2nd of March at our factory shop here in Nottingham. We will open for visitors at 10am and finish at about 4:30pm on both days. Anyone is welcome to turn up and meet Jake Thornton, who will be pleased to sign copies of his book and answer his fellow gamer’s questions.

God of Battles

We will have a stock of our new ranges of God of Battles miniatures which will be available at a discount on the day.

Your best bet for parking is the multi storey car park on Curzon Street [see their website for details].


20th April 2013

Foundry will be attending this year’s Salute. Several people have already asked us if we will be bringing our ex Citadel ranges down with us, and we have decided to do so. This includes our Wars of the Roses, Baron’s Wars, Hundred Years War, Vikings, Normans and Saxons, Samurai, Elizabethans and several of the animals in our General Purpose range. Click on a photo to see the range on our website.

Many thanks Matt!

Those clearly are some very interesting Orcs!

As you will notice, I took the occasion to start an “inbox” category. If you have something to share (news, questions, perhaps even a guest-articles!), which you think will be interesting to the readers of Pins of War, drop me a line through the Contact Form or with a comment on this blog.

I cannot guarantee that I’ll publish things (gotta keep the safety on, just in case), but if it’s wargaming related, I most likely will.

Leave a comment!


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at