Black Library is clearly on a roll. In 2012, we saw the new premium hard-cover novels, the launch of Black Library in German and French, audio-drama script-books, a preview of Horus Heresy graphic novels, and a record number of new books and short-stories.
2013 kicks off with the same vigor, including several interesting novels and stories by some of the newer Black Library authors. David Annandale, in particular, appears to have been busy. No less than three books he wrote for Warhammer 40K are about to be released:
- Yarrick: Chains of Golgotha
- Mephiston: Lord of Death
- The Death of Antagonis
Despite his busy schedule, David was kind enough to agree to an email-interview with me.
This interview with David Annandale covers three topics:
Interview with David Annandale
- About David Annandale’s work and Black Library
- The Novellas ‘Chains of Golgotha’ and ‘Mephiston’
- The Space Marines Battles novel ‘The Death of Antagonis’
#1 – David Annandale’s work and writing for Black Library

Black Library author David Annandale
Zweischneid: Hello David. Thank you for this interview. If I am not mistaken, you are relatively new among the ranks of Black Library authors, though you published books before?
David: Hello to you, too. Yes, I am a recent arrival to the Black Library.
It’s been almost exactly two years since Christian Dunn gave me the go-ahead to write “The Carrion Anthem“. Prior to that, I had three other novels to my name – a series of thrillers featuring my rogue warrior Jen Blaylock (Crown Fire, Kornukopia and The Valedictorians). And last year, my horror novel, Gethsemane Hall was released.
Zweischneid: Can you talk about where you are coming from as an author? What made you become an author? What do you consider your specialty and strength as an author?
David: I’ve been writing for most of my life. My earliest attempt was when I was six. So I have always wanted to tell stories, and those my imagination has always run to monsters and large-scale destruction. I am, therefore, as you might guess, beyond delighted to be writing in the 40K universe.
As for my strengths, that’s really for others to judge. I have been told that people like my dialogue and a cinematic quality to my big scenes.
Zweischneid: As a writer and author, what interests you in the Warhammer 40.000 universe? Are you a long-time fan? Is this new territory for you?
David: I’ve been reading Warhammer 40,000 fiction for some years now, and I remember the excitement of my first encounter with it: I had discovered stories that combined so many of my favourite genre elements in a single, coherent form. So here was epic space opera, massive combat scenes, Lovecraftian horror, twisted dystopia, high adventure, mythic resonance, and more.
What drew me as a reader also excites me as a writer. The 40K universe is incredibly rich, whether we’re talking about the kinds of stories that can be told, the characters who feature in them, or the themes that are tackled. It is, creatively, exhilarating.
Zweischneid: Do you play the game of Warhammer 40K? If so, what army do you collect?
David: I am a reader of the fiction first and foremost, but I am serving my apprenticeship in the game, being guided by a veteran (hey Dave!) who has been at this since Warhammer 40,000 was first released. I’m working on a Black Dragons army, but both my modelling and my gaming skills are (to put it kindly) embryonic.
Zweischneid: So… how did you start writing for Black Library? I am sure there must be a story to it?
David: In the fall of 2010, there was a brief open window for submissions: Black Library was looking for stories about four specific Chaos Space Marines, and this was for the Treacheries of the Space Marines anthology.
I looked at the list, began musing about Typhus, and kicking around the idea of music as a disease. I put together a proposal, sent it off, and commenced hoping. A few months later, one of the most welcome e-mails I have ever received arrived in my inbox.
#2 – Two Novellas on Two Famous Characters

Phrolian Gardner’s art for David Annandale’s Yarrick: Chains of Golgotha
Zweischneid: Two of your upcoming novellas feature two iconic Warhammer 40K characters: Commissar Yarrick in Chains of Golgotha and Mephiston, the Lord of Death.
What made you choose writing about those two characters? How did you “prepare” for it?
David: I owe Nick Kyme a huge debt of gratitude here. He’s been my editor for most of my 40K work to date, and it was he who approached me about writing these two characters. My preparation consisted in discussions with Nick, reading other stories and novels where the characters appeared, and combing through the relevant lore.
Zweischneid: What were the challenges you faced writing such iconic characters?
David: Perhaps the biggest was the very fact that they are just that: iconic. So there’s a special responsibility to get them right. Whether I have done so will be up to the readers, but I certainly feel very close to both these figures now.
Zweischneid: What did you enjoy most in writing Chains of Golgotha and Mephiston?
David: That’s a tough one. I don’t know if I can single out one particular thing – the joys were very multifaceted.
But one of the elements I found fascinating about both is how much they are creatures of will. Yarrick is an ordinary human who pushes himself to the most extraordinary feats through the force of that incredible will. And there is something similar in the being who should have died, insane, as Calistarius, but returned as the frighteningly powerful Mephiston.
#3 – Space Marines Battles: The Death of Antagonis

Cover art for David Annandale’s Black Dragons novel ‘The Death of Antagonis‘
Zweischneid: Aside from the novellas mentioned so far, there is also a Space Marine Battle novel written by you, which will be released coming soon: The Death of Antagonis.
Unlike the two novellas on iconic characters, this book highlights one of the lesser known Space Marines Chapter, the Black Dragons. What makes them different from other Space Marines? What makes them special to you?
David: There’s something compelling, for me, about the Chapters of the Cursed Founding, where we find this mixture of cool mutations and tragic fates. The Black Dragons are outsiders, and operate under a cloud of suspicion, but have made a virtue of their monstrousness. There are all sorts of questions that hover around them, questions I wanted to explore.
Zweischneid: What can we expect from the Black Dragons Space Marines in action? Can you share some juicy details from The Death of Antagonis that we can look forward too?
David: Well… given the specific mutations of the Dragon Claws – the bone-blades – some that action will, indeed, be juicy, as enemies are killed in properly bloody fashion. Beyond that, I’m going to stay mum, so as not to spoil the surprises.
Zweischneid: Final Question: There are clearly many, many people out there looking to get to where you are now and join the Black Library team of writers. What advice would you give to all those aspiring writers out there?
David: Obviously, I can only speak from my experience, so naturally YMMV applies.
But my advice is what I would give to any writer, aiming for any market. Read widely, and write widely. Hone your craft by pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. There are many markets out there for short stories, so have at them.
Establishing a track record can be a long and frustrating process, but don’t give up. Keep at it, get better, be professional, and be versatile.
Many, many thanks again to David for answering my questions.
I’ll definitely be picking up some of his Black Library books to read and, perhaps, even to review on this blog.
What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts on this interview and – if you read some of David’s work – on his stories and books.
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