Interview – James Wappel

James WappelJames Wappel! He paints like the devil, runs an awe-inspiring miniature-painting blog, and is about to launch a Kickstarter for a massive line of “learning-to-paint-miniatures”-DVDs. When I first heard of his Kickstarter plans, I knew I had to ask him a few questions. “Painting-Kickstarters”, so far, had a harder time than games and miniatures. If anyone can do it, it is James Wappel!

The “Discover the Painting Pyramid” Kickstarter was a success!

#1 – A James Wappel Teaser

Let’s start with a teaser of one of James’ miniatures: A Forge World Blood Slaughterer!

Chaos Space Marines Blood Slaughterer

A Khorne Blood Slaughterer Impaler, painted by James Wappel

That is definitely amazing! Read on to hear James Wappel talk about his background in teaching others to paint like that and on what he has planned for his Kickstarter!

#2 – Interview with James Wappel

Zweischneid: For those not in the know (like me), could you tell me a bit about yourself? How did you get into painting miniatures? Are you painting miniatures for a living? If so, since when?

James Wappel: I worked as a 2D painter for many years, selling artwork of space-scapes, wildlife, fantasy art, etc.

In 2001, I started painting Blood Bowl miniatures for fun. Eventually, painting miniatures replaced the 2D art and by 2002, I was painting figures for a living, selling them on ebay and doing many commission pieces.

In 2003, I started to paint figures for Dark Age Games and CoolMiniOrNot.

CoolMiniOrNot Judgement

CoolMiniOrNot’s “Judgement“, painted by James Wappel

Zweischneid: Personally, I stumbled across your blog – in part – because it’s abuzz with plans to launch a series of “learning-to-paint” products with Kickstarter. Could you share away a few details on the product line you will launch?

James Wappel: The painting DVD’s will be called “Explore the Painting Pyramid”.

My initial set of DVDs will be 20 different ‘titles’, covering a wide variety of techniques: flesh tones, non-metallic metals, object source lighting, and much more! If this first set proves successful, I have many more DVDs that I could add as stretch goals.

James Wappel's Painting Pyramid

The Painting Pyramid‘ by James Wappel

Zweischneid: When and where did you have the idea to start a product around miniature painting and teaching people how to paint miniatures? What – for lack of a better question – will make your painting guides/tutorials unique?

James Wappel: I used to teach watercolor and pastel techniques when I did 2D art.  Back in 2007, I taught some miniature painting seminars at Adepticon.  They were the highest rated courses and continued to be in every year I offered them.

My schedule did not allow me to continue the seminars, yet I have wondered how I could continue that teaching process.

I did many “how to” articles on my blog. [Example: How to paint a 40K Predator - Z.]

Still, many viewers would ask if I had any video showing the techniques.  I have also been approached by a few companies to create painting DVDs, so it always seemed like this might be a good idea.

However, I had no idea how I would finance such a project.  Once I heard about Kickstarter, I thought I was on to something!  Ever since, I have worked very hard to make that program happen.  There is a huge learning curve, but I have been practicing and training every day, which you can see on all my recent blog posts!

The idea is to give the viewers as much information as possible, but not confuse them!

Miniature and Camera

From James Wappel’s Desk: Getting everything on Camera!

 Zweischneid: Do you have a certain classification or certain categories for your learn-to-paint-products? Will they be organized by “painting skill” (e.g. beginner, intermediate, pro)?

James Wappel: These DVDs are for intermediate to advanced painters.

Zweischneid: I noticed that some of your posts talk in the plural of “we”, when you talk about your upcoming Kickstarter? Who are your partners? How “big” or “small” do you envision the product line that comes out of the Kickstarter?

James Wappel: My wife is also a miniature painter, so that is part of the “we”.

Also, I have some miniature companies such as Raging Heroes, Urban Mammoth and now Ultraforge, who are providing miniatures for the Kickstarter DVDs.

Praying Mantis” from Raging Heroes, painted by James Wappel

Zweischneid: When do you plan to go live with your Kickstarter campaign?

James Wappel: I am still working through all the technical aspects of the Kickstarter.  I will be submitting a proposal on Jan 5th, so we shall see when Kickstarter gives me an approval!  It will be announced on the blog, on CMON and on several other forums.

Zweischneid: What are your plans after the Kickstarter? Is this a “one-off” or will you try to establish a permanent product line?

James Wappel: This is definitely just the start of a huge product line. After the first 20 videos, I have at least 30 more that I would like to do!

Moreover, as our miniature company partners begin their own Kickstarter projects, I will be doing more painting videos as part of their programs.

Ultraforge Greater Daemon of Khorne

An Ultraforge Greater Daemon, painted by James Wappel

Zweischneid: Many thanks for the interview! Is there anything you would like to add?

James Wappel: My hope is to create something very comprehensive and unique.

It will be a treasure trove of ideas and techniques covering all aspects of the hobby. Painting, basing, dioramas, gaming boards, terrain, everything!

Once again many thanks for the interview James!

Make sure you head over to the Wappellius Blog. There are very few blogs on the internet that are brimming with awesome miniatures quite like this one!

And don’t forget to leave a comment!


About Zweischneid

Hi. I am Zweischneid. Wargame Addict. Miniature Connoisseur. Aspiring Blogger. Did you like this post? Follow me on Twitter or Facebook for more. And don't forget to share your favourite miniature pictures and wargaming videos at

  • Albert (40k-heresy blog)

    Very interesting! looking forward to the videos